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JavaScript(/TypeScript) Runtime Types & Reflection (tst-reflect)

The mono repository of TypeScript runtime reflection packages.

tst-reflect tst-reflect-transformer License MIT Code coverage Twitter All Contributors

Readme Card

Examples | Synopsis | How to start | How does it work | Configuration [wiki] | Changelog | Contributors


A new version of the entire system is in development!

The new version is made up of a separate tool called typegen and a new better runtime. It is possible to generate usable metadata even without the need to use any transformer. This metadata can be used manually to lookup types and modules in the project, import the modules, create instances of classes etc. This in not limited to any build system so it is usable with tsc, Webpack, Vite, esbuild, SWC, Turbopack, Rollup, Parcel etc.

However, there will also be small plugin for each build tool that allow using getType() and the generic type parameters, even for SWC and esbuild. Depending on the build system, the functionality of getType will vary. Build systems without type checking will not be able to get majority of inferred types eg. getType<typeof variable>().

Sign for participation in the new version issue #78.


Yeap! How the title says, this project is about runtime reflection, with working generic type parameters <TSomething>, achieved using custom TypeScript transformer plugin (package tst-reflect-transformer) and runtime stuff (package tst-reflect).


  • clear Reflection system, generating JS metadata library - can be de facto standard for TS reflection,
  • you can use regular TypeScript,
  • no decorators nor any other kind of hints needed,
  • no problem with the types from 3rd party packages,
  • no pre-implemented features like validators or type-guards, just clear type information. All these features can be built on top of this package in runtime,
  • you can get the runtime type of the generic type, really!
  • you can access the type of the class in your own decorators,
  • you can get the type of a classes, interfaces, type literals, unions, intersections just all of that getType<SomeType>(),
  • you can get the type of runtime value stored in variable getType(myVar),
  • object oriented usage - you will get instance of the Type class, which contains everything,
  • inspired by the C# reflection - usage is very similar,
  • overloads of a constructors and methods supported,
  • static API to lookup types,
  • access to constructors of all the types - you can instantiate every type,
  • configuration with multiple options,
  • browser usage,
  • you can check if one type is assignable to another without instances of those type - eg. check if some class is assignable to some interface,
  • and there are probably more... and a lot of things are on TODO list.

How to Get the Type

Use function getType<TType>(): Type imported from module tst-reflect.

import { getType } from "tst-reflect";

interface IFoo {}
class Foo implements IFoo {}


const foo = new Foo();
getType<typeof foo>();

Base Usage

import { getType, Type } from "tst-reflect";

interface IAnimal
    name: string;

class Animal implements IAnimal
    constructor(public name: string)

const typeOfIAnimal: Type = getType<IAnimal>();
const typeOfAnimal: Type = getType<Animal>();

console.log(typeOfAnimal.isAssignableTo(typeOfIAnimal)); // true

Get Type of Generic Type Parameter (runtime)

import { getType } from "tst-reflect";

function printTypeProperties<TType>() 
    const type = getType<TType>(); // <<== get type of type parameter TType
    console.log(type.getProperties().map(prop => + ": " +"\n"));

interface SomeType {
    foo: string;
    bar: number;
    baz: Date;



foo: string
bar: number
baz: Date

Decorator With Reflected Type Parameter

tst-reflect-transformer is able to process class decorators marked by @reflect JSDoc tag. You will be able to get Type of each decorated class.

 * @reflect
export function inject<TType>()
    const typeofClass = getType<TType>();

    return function <TType extends { new(...args: any[]): {} }>(Constructor: TType) {
        return class extends Constructor
            constructor(...args: any[])
                super(...type.getConstructors()[0] => serviceProvider.getService(param.type)));

class A {}

class B {}

How to Start

Usage With Plain TypeScript

  1. Install packages,
npm i tst-reflect && npm i tst-reflect-transformer -D
  1. add transformer to tsconfig.json,
    "compilerOptions": {
        // your options...

        // ADD THIS!
        "plugins": [
                "transform": "tst-reflect-transformer"
  1. npm i ttypescript -D

In order to use transformer plugin you need TypeScript compiler which supports plugins eg. package ttypescript or you can use TypeScript compiler API manually.

  1. Now just transpile your code by ttsc instead of tsc
npx ttsc

Usage With Webpack

If you use Angular or something else which has webpack encapsulated and under its own control, this Usage variant may not work properly. Angular has own Usage description.

With ts-loader

! ts-loader is recommended because you don't need ttypescript and it has better performance than awesome-typescript-loader.

StackBlitz demo with configured project here.

  1. Install packages,
npm i tst-reflect && npm i tst-reflect-transformer -D
  1. modify your webpack config,
const tstReflectTransform = require("tst-reflect-transformer").default;

module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,
                loader: "ts-loader",
                options: {
                    // ADD THIS OPTION!
                    getCustomTransformers: (program) => ({
                        before: [
                            tstReflectTransform(program, {})
            // ... other rules
    // ... other options
  1. webpack or webpack serve

With awesome-typescript-loader (deprecated)

  1. Install packages,
npm i tst-reflect && npm i tst-reflect-transformer -D
  1. add transformer to tsconfig.json,
    "compilerOptions": {
        // your options...

        // ADD THIS!
        "plugins": [
                "transform": "tst-reflect-transformer"
  1. npm i ttypescript -D

In order to use transformer plugin you need TypeScript compiler which supports plugins eg. package ttypescript or you can use TypeScript compiler API manually.

  1. modify your webpack config,
    test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,
    loader: "awesome-typescript-loader",
    options: {
        compiler: "ttypescript"
  1. webpack or webpack serve

Using Parcel

Install Parcel plugin.

npm i parcel-plugin-ttypescript

Using Rollup

Install Rollup plugin

npm i rollup-plugin-typescript2

and modify your rollup config.

import ttypescript from "ttypescript";
import tsPlugin from "rollup-plugin-typescript2";

export default {
    // your options...
    plugins: [
        // ADD THIS!
            typescript: ttypescript

Using ts-node

Modify your tsconfig.json.

    "compilerOptions": {
        // your options...

        "plugins": [
                "transform": "tst-reflect-transformer"
    // ADD THIS!
    "ts-node": {
        // This can be omitted when using ts-patch
        "compiler": "ttypescript"

ts-node can be a little bugged if you use reflection.metadata.type = "typelib" option!


  • Listing properties and methods of classes and interfaces StackBlitz
  • Validace structure of object by interface or class StackBlitz
  • Methods and constructors overloads StackBlitz
  • Create object with default values by interface StackBlitz


  • Simple Dependency Injection Run on
  • Object validation by Interface Run on

Feel free to add Your interesting examples. Just add a link to this README and make a PR.

How Does it Work

Transformer looks for all calls of getType<T>() and replace those calls by Type retrieving logic. It generates object literals describing referred types and instances of Type are created from those objects.


Mentioned object literals describing types are called metadata. Default behavior collect metadata of all used types and generate file metadata.lib.js in project root ( location of tsconfig.json).

Metadata library file looks like this:

var {getType} = require("tst-reflect");
    k: 5,
    props: [{n: "foo", t: getType({n: "string", k: 2})}, {
        n: "bar",
        t: getType({k: 3, types: [getType({k: 6, v: "a"}), getType({k: 6, v: "b"})], union: true, inter: false})
}, 22974);
getType({k: 5, props: [{n: "foo", t: getType({n: "string", k: 2})}, {n: "bar", t: getType({n: "string", k: 2})}]}, 22969);
    n: "SomeType",
    fn: "..\\logger.ts:SomeType",
    props: [{n: "array", t: getType({k: 4, n: "Array", args: [getType(22969)]})}],
    ctors: [{params: []}],
    k: 1,
    ctor: () => SomeType
}, 22965);
    n: "Foo",
    fn: "..\\logger.ts:Foo",
    props: [{n: "prop", t: getType({n: "number", k: 2})}],
    ctors: [{params: [{n: "prop", t: getType({n: "number", k: 2})}]}],
    k: 1,
    ctor: () => Foo
}, 22976);


 * Object representing TypeScript type in memory
export declare class Type {
    static readonly Object: Type;
    static readonly Unknown: Type;
    static readonly Any: Type;
    static readonly Void: Type;
    static readonly String: Type;
    static readonly Number: Type;
    static readonly BigInt: Type;
    static readonly Boolean: Type;
    static readonly Date: Type;
    static readonly Null: Type;
    static readonly Undefined: Type;
    static readonly Never: Type;
     * Returns information about conditional type.
    get condition(): ConditionalType | undefined;
     * Returns information about indexed access type.
    get indexedAccessType(): IndexedAccessType | undefined;
     * List of underlying types in case Type is union or intersection
    get types(): ReadonlyArray<Type>;
     * Get meta for the module of the defined constructor
     * This data is not set when the config mode is set to "universal"
    get constructorDescription(): ConstructorImport | undefined;
     * Get definition of a generic type.
    get genericTypeDefinition(): Type | undefined;
     * Base type
     * @description Base type from which this type extends from or undefined if type is Object.
    get baseType(): Type | undefined;
     * Interface which this type implements
    get interface(): Type | undefined;
     * Get type full-name
     * @description Contains file path base to project root
    get fullName(): string;
     * Get type name
    get name(): string;
     * Get kind of type
    get kind(): TypeKind;
     * Underlying value in case of literal type
    get literalValue(): any;
     * Generic type constrains
    get genericTypeConstraint(): Type | undefined;
     * Generic type default value
    get genericTypeDefault(): any;
     * Search the type store for a specific type
     * Runs the provided filter callback on each type. If your filter returns true, it returns this type.
     * @param {(type: Type) => boolean} filter
     * @returns {Type | undefined}
    static find(filter: (type: Type) => boolean): Type | undefined;
     * Returns all Types contained in metadata.
     * This method is quite useless with reflection.metadata.type = "inline"; Use "typelib" type.
    static getTypes(): Type[];
    static get store(): MetadataStore;
     * Returns true if types are equals
     * @param type
    is(type: Type): boolean;
     * Returns a value indicating whether the Type is container for unified Types or not
    isUnion(): boolean;
     * Returns a value indicating whether the Type is container for intersecting Types or not
    isIntersection(): boolean;
     * Returns true whether current Type is a class with any constructor.
    isInstantiable(): boolean;
     * Returns a value indicating whether the Type is a class or not
    isClass(): boolean;
     * Returns a value indicating whether the Type is a interface or not
    isInterface(): boolean;
     * Returns a value indicating whether the Type is an literal or not
    isLiteral(): boolean;
     * Returns a value indicating whether the Type is an object literal or not
    isObjectLiteral(): boolean;
     * Returns true if type is union or intersection of types
    isUnionOrIntersection(): boolean;
     * Check if this is a native type ("string", "number", "boolean", "Array" etc.)
    isNative(): boolean;
     * Check whether the type is generic.
    isGenericType(): boolean;
     * Check if this is a primitive type ("string", "number", "boolean" etc.)
    isPrimitive(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a string
    isString(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a number
    isNumber(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a symbol
    isSymbol(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a boolean
    isBoolean(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is an array
    isArray(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a promise
    isPromise(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a Tuple
    isTuple(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is an any
    isAny(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a "unknown".
    isUnknown(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a "undefined" literal.
    isUndefined(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a "null" literal.
    isNull(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a "true" literal.
    isTrue(): boolean;
     * Check if this type is a "false" literal.
    isFalse(): boolean;
     * @return {boolean}
    isObjectLike(): boolean;
     * Determines whether the object represented by the current Type is an Enum.
     * @return {boolean}
    isEnum(): boolean;
     * Returns information about the enumerable elements.
    getEnum(): EnumInfo | undefined;
     * Constructor function in case Type is class
    getCtor(): Promise<{
        new (...args: any[]): any;
    } | undefined>;
     * Returns array of function call signatures.
    getSignatures(): ReadonlyArray<FunctionInfo>;
     * Returns array of type parameters.
    getTypeParameters(): ReadonlyArray<Type>;
     * Returns type arguments in case of generic type
    getTypeArguments(): ReadonlyArray<Type>;
     * Returns constructor description when Type is a class
    getConstructors(): ReadonlyArray<ConstructorInfo> | undefined;
     * Returns array of properties
    getProperties(): ReadonlyArray<PropertyInfo>;
     * Returns array of indexes
    getIndexes(): ReadonlyArray<IndexInfo>;
     * Returns array of methods
    getMethods(): ReadonlyArray<MethodInfo>;
     * Returns array of decorators
    getDecorators(): ReadonlyArray<Decorator>;
     * Returns object with all methods and properties from current Type and all methods and properties inherited from base types and interfaces to this Type.
     * @return {{properties: {[p: string]: PropertyInfo}, methods: {[p: string]: MethodInfo}}}
    flattenInheritedMembers(): {
        properties: {
            [propertyName: string]: PropertyInfo;
        methods: {
            [methodName: string]: MethodInfo;
     * Determines whether the class represented by the current Type derives from the class represented by the specified Type
     * @param {Type} classType
    isSubclassOf(classType: Type): boolean;
     * Determines whether the current Type derives from the specified Type
     * @param {Type} targetType
    isDerivedFrom(targetType: Type): boolean;
     * Determines whether the Object represented by the current Type is structurally compatible and assignable to the Object represented by the specified Type
     * @param {Type} target
     * @return {boolean}
     * @private
    isStructurallyAssignableTo(target: Type): boolean;
     * Determines whether an instance of the current Type can be assigned to an instance of the specified Type.
     * @description This is fulfilled by derived types or compatible types.
     * @param target
    isAssignableTo(target: Type): boolean;
     * Returns string representation of the type.
    toString(): string;

 * Kind of type
export declare enum TypeKind
     * Interface
    Interface = 0,
     * Class
    Class = 1,
     * Native JavaScript/TypeScript type
    Native = 2,
     * Container for other types in case of types union or intersection
    Container = 3,
     * Type reference created during type checking
     * @description Usually Array<...>, ReadOnly<...> etc.
    TransientTypeReference = 4,
     * Some specific object
     * @description Eg. "{ foo: string, bar: boolean }"
    Object = 5,
     * Some subtype of string, number, boolean
     * @example <caption>type Foo = "hello world" | "hello"</caption>
     * String "hello world" is literal type and it is subtype of string.
     * <caption>type TheOnlyTrue = true;</caption>
     * Same as true is literal type and it is subtype of boolean.
    LiteralType = 6,
     * Fixed lenght arrays literals
     * @example <caption>type Coords = [x: number, y: number, z: number];</caption>
    Tuple = 7,
     * Generic parameter type
     * @description Represent generic type parameter of generic types. Eg. it is TType of class Animal<TType> {}.
    TypeParameter = 8,
     * Conditional type
    ConditionalType = 9,
     * Indexed access type
     * @description Eg. get<K extends keyof TypeKind>(key: K): ==>> TypeKind[K] <<==
    IndexedAccess = 10,
     * Typescript "module"
     * @description Value module or namespace module
    Module = 11,
     * Specific method used as type
    Method = 12,
     * Enum
    Enum = 13

export declare enum Accessor
    None = 0,
    Getter = 1,
    Setter = 2

export declare enum AccessModifier
    Private = 0,
    Protected = 1,
    Public = 2

export interface ConditionalType
     * Extends type
    extends: Type;
     * True type
    trueType: Type;
     * False type
    falseType: Type;

 * Property description
export class Property
     * Property name
    readonly name: string;
     * Property type
    readonly type: Type;
     * Optional property
    readonly optional: boolean;
     * Access modifier
    readonly accessModifier: AccessModifier;
     * Accessor
    readonly accessor: Accessor;
     * Readonly
    readonly readonly: boolean;
     * Returns array of decorators
    getDecorators(): ReadonlyArray<Decorator>;

 * Decoration description
export class Decorator {
     * Decorator name
    name: string;
     * Decorator full name
    fullName?: string;
     * List of literal arguments
    getArguments(): Array<any>;

 * Method parameter description
export interface MethodParameter
     * Parameter name
    name: string;
     * Parameter type
    type: Type;
     * Parameter is optional
    optional: boolean;

export declare class MethodBase
     * Parameters of this method
    getParameters(): ReadonlyArray<MethodParameter>;

 * Method details
export declare class Method extends MethodBase
     * Name of this method
    get name(): string;

     * Return type of this method
    get returnType(): Type;

     * Method is optional
    get optional(): boolean;

     * Access modifier
    get accessModifier(): AccessModifier;

     * Returns list of generic type parameter.
     * @return {Array<Type>}
    getTypeParameters(): ReadonlyArray<Type>;

     * Returns array of decorators
    getDecorators(): ReadonlyArray<Decorator>;

 * Constructor details
export declare class Constructor extends MethodBase

export interface EnumInfo {
     * Get enum enumerators/items (keys).
    getEnumerators(): string[];
     * Get values.
    getValues(): any[];
     * Get enum entries (key:value pairs).
    getEntries(): Array<readonly [enumeratorName: string, value: any]>;

Contributors ✨

Thanks go to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Roman Jámbor

💻 🚧 📖 👀 💡 🤔 🚇 💬 ⚠️

Sam Parton

💻 🐛 🤔



Kévin Dunglas






Daniel Shmuglin

🐛 🤔


🐛 💻

Joe Ferner


David Katz


Jamesb | Experimental Learning


Carlos Zimmerle

🤔 🐛

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!


I'm developing this Reflection system for own Dependency Injection system, to allow registering and resolving based on types. Something like:

serviceCollection.addTransient<ILog, Log>();

Where getService() takes care about constructor's parameters, based on their types, and resolve everything.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.