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New and Revised Bard Class and Kits #69

Grammarsalad opened this issue Jan 21, 2020 · 16 comments

New and Revised Bard Class and Kits #69

Grammarsalad opened this issue Jan 21, 2020 · 16 comments


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101-???: The Bard

Revision Notes

101: The Bard: Conservative Version

This component will install the 'conservative' bard revision. The overall changes to the Bard class are as follows (see the revised descriptions below for more detail):

  • Bards can be of any alignment

  • Bards can cast spells while wearing up to and including chainmail without penalty.

  • All races will be able to select the Bard class, though not all races will have access to every kit.

  • Bard Songs will be more useful in that they will last a number of rounds after the bard has stopped performing. However, the bard will not be able to use the performance at will as before. Rather, they will have a 'cool down' period, where they cannot use their song at all (alternatively, performance will cost fatigue...)

  • Most bards will have access to multiple performances. The base bard will have access to the rally, countersong, and fascinate performances. See individual descriptions for details.

  • Thief Skills: Bards will have access to more Thief Skills (Requires EEEx).

  • All bards can specialize (++) in any fighting style, and gain mastery (+++) in two weapon fighting.

  • Generally increased Hit Die. See individual descriptions for details.

Bard Base Class (Revised Base Class)

BARD: The Bard is a rogue, but <PRO_HESHE> is very different from the Thief. The Bard's strength is <PRO_HISHER> pleasant and charming personality. With it and <PRO_HISHER> wits, <PRO_HESHE> makes <PRO_HISHER> way through the world. A Bard is a talented musician and a walking storehouse of gossip, tall tales, and lore; <PRO_HESHE> learns a little bit about everything that crosses <PRO_HISHER> path and is a jack-of-all-trades but master of none. While many Bards are scoundrels, their stories and songs are welcome almost everywhere.

Class Features:

  • HD d6 (12 hp at first level)
  • Lore increases by 10 per level.
  • May not wear armor heavier than chain mail and may not equip shields larger than bucklers. (Spells can be cast while wearing armor.)
  • Can achieve proficiency (+) in any weapon proficiency.
  • Can achieve specialization (++) in any fighting style, except two-weapon fighting, where <PRO_HESHE> can achieve mastery (+++).
  • Thieving abilities: Pick Pockets and Pick Locks (if EEEx is installed).
  • May use <PRO_HISHER> Performance ability to play any perform ability from <PRO_HISHER> repertoire. At 1st level, <PRO_HESHE> can rally <PRO_HISHER> allies. At 4th level, <PRO_HESHE> can play a countersong. At 8th level, <PRO_HESHE> can fascinate opponents. These songs become more powerful as <PRO_HESH> gains levels as described below.
    All effects generally last for as long as the bard performs, + 1 round per 5 levels after finishing.

Performances are taxing, incresing the fatigue level of the bard by 1 for every round <PRO_HESHE> plays. <PRO_HESHE> recovers this fatigue after 1 hour. <PRO_HESHE> cannot perform if <PRO_HESHE> becomes exhausted.

RALLY: When the bard uses rally, <PRO_HESHE> grants all of <PRO_HISHER> allies, including <PRO_HIMHER>self, a +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. At 6th level, all allies are also protected from fear. They gain immunity to fear effects for as long as the song lasts, and any fear effects currently on them are removed. At 12th level, all allies also gain +1 to luck, which grants an additional +1 to all saves, and a +10% bonus to all of their thieving skills. In addition, the bonuses to attacks, damage and saves increase to +2 (for a total of +3 to saves). Finally, at 17th level, the the bonuses to luck increases to +2, with it the additional save bonus increases to +2, and the skill bonuses increas to +20%, and the bonuses to hit, damage and saves increase to +3 (+5 to saves).
In order to perform rally, the bard must remain in place. If <PRO_HESHE> moves, rally ends (though, the effects continue based on <PRO_HISHER> level; that is, 1 round per 5 levels.)

COUNTERSONG: When the bard uses this ability, all of <PRO_HISHER> allies within 30', including <PRO_HIMHER>self are protected from magic, and gain a +3 bonus to save against spells, and a +1 to all other saves. In addition, all allies are permitted to make a save vs. spell (with the bonus), and if they succeed, they shrug off the effects of spells such as Silence, Shout, Great Shout, Command, Greater Command, or any other sound-based attack. At 9th level, allies can also shrug off paralysis, hold, stun, charm, or emotion-based effects, such as fear or berserk, if they make their saves. At 11th level, enemy casters find countersong distracting, and suffer a 15% chance of spell failure while within 30' of the bard. This chance increases to 30% at 16th level. Finally, at 18th level, all allies gain a +5 to their saves vs. spell, and +2 to their other saves.
The bard's movement is reduced by half while performing countersong.

FASCINATE: When the bard uses this ability, all enemies within 30 ft. must save vs. Spell (with a +2 bonus) or become enthralled, unable to take action until 1 round passes or they take damage. Enemies suffer a -1 penalty to this save for every 3 levels the bard possesses beyond 8th level (maximum -4 at 20th level).
The bard must remain still while performing fascinate. If <PRO_HESHE> moves, the effect ends.

Blade Kit

BLADE: The Blade is an expert fighter and adventurer whose bardic acting abilities make <PRO_HIMHER> appear more intimidating and fearsome than <PRO_HESHE> is. This Bard's fighting style is flashy and entertaining but is also lethally dangerous.


  • At 1st level, may use the Offensive Spin and Defensive Spin stances. A character can only enter a single stance at a time, but they are not limited in terms of the number of times per day that they can enter a stance. The blade exits either offensive spin or defensive spin if <PRO_HESHE> is struck in combat and <PRO_HESHE> cannot enter another stance for an additional 3 rounds after being struck.
  • Performs Weapon Display as <PRO_HISHER> bard song.
  • Gains Mastery (+++) in two-weapon fighting at first level.
  • The Blade can specialize (++) in any melee weapon.
  • 1 fewer spell slot per spell level. As a result, <PRO_HESHE> doesn't cast any spells until 3rd level.


  • Only gains 5 lore per level.
  • The Blade cannot perform Rally, Countersong, or Fascinate.

DEFENSIVE SPIN: Defensive spin is a specialized form of parrying that is quite impressive to watch. While performing defensive spin, the Blade gains a +1 bonus to AC against all melee weapons for every two levels <PRO_HESHE> has (minimum +1) to a maximum of +10 at level 20. Further, any opponent that gets in melee range (4') with the blade must save vs. breath or suffer 1d6 points of slashing damage from the whirling blades. This damage increases by 1d6 every 5 levels (max 5d6 at 20th level). The Blade cannot attack nor cast spells while using Defensive Spin.

OFFENSIVE SPIN: Offensive spin is a much more aggressive display of prowess compared to defensive spin, though it is a bit more reckless. While in this stance, the Blade's movement rate doubles and <PRO_HESHE> gains a +2 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls as well as an extra attack per round. Finally,<PRO_HESHE> deals an additional +1 to damage with all melee attacks for every 5 levels. Offensive Spin may not be used in conjunction with the Haste or Improved Haste spells. The blade suffers a -2 penalty to AC while using offensive spin.

WEAPON DISPLAY: When performing a weapon display, the Blade performs an impressive and intimidating display with <PRO_HISHER> weapon. All intelligent enemies within 30' of the Blade must make a save vs. wands or be demoralized, suffering a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC and moral. This penalty increases by -1 for each five levels <PRO_HESHE> posesses (max -6 at 20th level). Enemies make their save at -1 per 6 levels of the Blade (maximum -3 at 18th level).
Additionally, the display inspires allies, granting them a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Enemies that come within melee range of the blade (about 4') must save vs. breath (with a -2 penalty) or take 1d6 slashing damage from the whirling blades. This damage increases by 1d6 for each 5 levels (max 5d6 at 20th level).

The blade can only move at half speed while performing Weapon Display.

Finally, Weapon Display cannot be performed while the blade is in a Stance.

Jester Kit

JESTER: This Bard is well versed in the arts of ridicule and hilarity, and uses <PRO_HISHER> abilities to distract and confuse <PRO_HISHER> enemies, cavorting madly during combat. Do not mistake <PRO_HIMHER> for a true fool, however, as <PRO_HESHE> can also be quite deadly.


  • Starting at 1st level, <PRO_HESHE> can use Taunt one time per day. <PRO_HESHE> gains one additional use of Taunt every 4 levels.
  • At 1st level, <PRO_HISHER> may use <PRO_HISHER> Performance ability to both cheer up <PRO_HISHER> allies and distract and enrage <PRO_HISHER> foes with Bafoonery/Taunting. This performance becomes more powerful as <PRO_HESH> gains levels as described below. At 8th level, <PRO_HESHE> gains Fascinate.
  • Wily: The Jester gains a +2 bonus to AC and saves vs. enchantments. Additionally, the jester is immune to confusion, chaos and any other similar spells.


  • The Jester cannot perform Rally or Countersong.
  • The Jester only gains d6 hit points per level.

TAUNT: The jester can use taunt against any creature within 30' that can hear <PRO_HIMHER> and that has greater than animal intelligence. If the creature fails a save vs. spell, they become enraged and resort to melee, disregarding all tactics, possibly even mistakenly attacking their own allies in a fit of rage.

This effect lasts for 1 round, +1 round per 3 levels of the jester. Further, the target suffers a penalty to their save for every three levels of the jester.

The jester cannot taunt a creature more than once in a given encounter. Whether or not they save, targets are immune to further taunting effects for 8 hours.

BAFOONERY/JESTING: The jester is a master at using humor and bafoonery to lighten the mood, buffering <PRO_HISHER> allies against harmful magics and effects, often by telling timely jokes at the expense of <PRO_HISHER> enemies.

While using this performance, the Jester takes advantage of distracted enemies effectively gaining a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 per 5 levels the jester has attained (maximum +6 at 20th level).

At 1st level, allies gain a +1 bonus to saves, while enemies must save each round vs. wands with a +2 bonus or become enraged (as taunt above) for 1 round. Every 5 levels the jester has attained, the save bonus increases by +1 and enemies suffer a -1 penalty to this save (max +5/-5 at 20th level).

At 10th level, allies recover from , and are immute to, fear and charm effects while the jester is performing. <PRO_HISHER> enemies must make a save vs. paralysis each round (in addition to the save vs. enrage) or become confused for 1 round. Enemies gain a -1 penalty to this save at levels 15 and 20.

Skald Kit

SKALD: This nordic Bard is also a warrior of great strength, skill, and virtue; <PRO_HISHER> songs are inspiring sagas of battle and valor, and the Skald devotes <PRO_HISHER> life to those pursuits.


  • HD d8 (16 hp at first level)
  • At 1st level, <PRO_HESHE> gains a +1 to melee attack rolls. <PRO_HESHE> gains an additional +1 bonus to melee attack rolls every 4 levels (maximum +6 to attack at 20th level).
  • At 1st level, <PRO_HESHE> gains Inspiring Blow whenever <PRO_HESHE> uses <PRO_HISHER> Performance Ability. Whenever <PRO_HESHE> lands a blow in melee combat, <PRO_HESHE> extends the effects of <PRO_HISHER> Performance for one additional round.
  • May use <PRO_HISHER> Performance ability to play any song from <PRO_HISHER> repertoire. At 1st level, <PRO_HESHE> can chant a battlesong to inspire <PRO_HISHER> allies. At 6th level, <PRO_HESHE> can Incite Rage in <PRO_HISHER> allies. Finally, at 12th level, <PRO_HESHE> can sing Song of the Fallen. These songs become more powerful as <PRO_HESH> gains levels as described below.
    The Skald's songs last for as long as <PRO_HESHE> continues to perform, plus 1 round thereafter. Each time <PRO_HESHE> lands a blow in melee combat, the effects of <PRO_HISHER> performance extend for one additional round (this ability can only extend a performance by 1 round in a given round. That is, if <PRO_HESHE> hits an opponent more than one time in melee combat in a given round, <PRO_HESHE> can only extend the duration of <PRO_HISHER> performance by a single round.
  • At 7th level, <PRO_HESHE> gains +1/2 attack per round.
  • At 14th level, <PRO_HESHE> this bonus increases to +1 attack per round.


  • The Skald casts -2 spells per spell level. That is, <PRO_HESHE> begins casting spells at 3rd level.
  • The Skald cannot perform Rally, Countersong or Fascinate.
  • The Skald does not make use of any thief skills.

1st level: Grants allies a +2 bonus to hit and damage rolls, and a +2 bonus to AC.
15th level: Grants allies a +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls, a +4 bonus to AC, and immunity to fear.
20th level: Grants allies a +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls, a +4 bonus to AC, and immunity to fear, stun, and confusion.




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Grammarsalad commented Jan 21, 2020

Conservative (but check what is actually done. I think it's different

2e Complete Bard:

This is what I have so far

Rally needs clarification: What happens if the character moves?

RALLY: When the bard uses rally, <PRO_HESHE> grants all of <PRO_HISHER> allies, including <PRO_HIMHER>self, a +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. At 6th level, all allies are also protected from fear. They gain immunity to fear effects for as long as the song lasts, and any fear effects currently on them are removed. At 12th level, all allies also gain +1 to luck, which grants an additional +1 to all saves, and a +10% bonus to all of their thieving skills. In addition, the bonuses to attacks, damage and saves increase to +2 (for a total of +3 to saves). Finally, at 17th level, the the bonuses to luck increases to +2, with it the additional save bonus increases to +2, and the skill bonuses increas to +20%, and the bonuses to hit, damage and saves increase to +3 (+5 to saves).
In order to perform rally, the bard must remain in place. If <PRO_HESHE> moves, rally ends (though, the effects continue based on <PRO_HISHER> level as described above).

COUNTERSONG: When the bard uses this ability, all of <PRO_HISHER> allies within 30', including <PRO_HIMHER>self are protected from magic, and gain a +3 bonus to save against spells, and a +1 to all other saves. In addition, all allies are permitted to make a save vs. spell (with the bonus), and if they succeed, they shrug off the effects of spells such as Silence, Shout, Great Shout, Command, Greater Command, or any other sound-based attack. At 9th level, allies can also shrug off paralysis, hold, stun, charm, or emotion-based effects, such as fear or berserk, if they make their saves. At 11th level, enemy casters find countersong distracting, and suffer a 30% chance of spell failure while within 30' of the bard. This chance increases to 50% at 16th level. Finally, at 18th level, all allies gain a +4 to their saves vs. spell, and +2 to their other saves.
While performing a countersong, <PRO_HESHE> can only move at half speed.

What is Enthrall? Describe

FASCINATE: When the bard uses this ability, all enemies within 30 ft. must save vs. Spell or become enthralled, unable to take action until 1 round passes or they take damage. Enemies suffer a -1 penalty to this save for every 3 levels the bard possesses beyond 8th level (maximum -4 at 20th level). The duration of this ability is extended by 1 round for every 4 levels the bard possesses beyond 8th level (maximum 4 rounds at 20th level).
While perfroming Fascinate, <PRO_HESHE> cannot move at all, and unlike a normal performance, the effect ends as soon as the bard moves, regardless of <PRO_HISHER> level.~

Radical version:

Custom Spell list.

It's 'radical' due to implementation. I have to eliminate the base class, and use one of the kit flags for it, to do this

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Radical Bard (or Revolutionary?)

This component will change bards to song mages.

Song Mage: The bard casts spells, much like a mage or a sorcerer. Like a sorcerer, they have a limited number of spells that they know, that they can select as they level up. Unlike a sorcerer, however, they cannot cast that spell as often as they have the slots for it. Rather, when they select a spell, they can cast it once per day. As such, they can select the same spell multiple times, and doing so allows them to cast that particular spell as many times per day as they have selected it.

Also, bards have a unique spell list that is not identical to the mage/wizard (or cleric or druid) spell list. So, while they cannot cast all wizard/mage spells, they have access to unique spells that are available to nobody else. Typically, these spells influence or affect the bard song in some substantial way for the duration.

Character can select from a list every level. If they select the same spell twice, then they can use that spell more than once per day (like innate abilities--indeed, under the hood, they ARE innates, but cast using the casting button for aesthetic purposes.

Level 1:

Adoration: Gain a bonus to Charisma

Soothing Melody: Bard song cures 1 hp per round for 1 round, +1 round/level to all allies.

But probably do have a sleep effect (like 3 seconds)

Ear-Piercing Scream:

matching Chant: Improve movement and reduce fatigue:

Voice: As the wiz spell vocalize

Level 2:

Allegro: Haste (self only) Duration:

Cacophony: Distract enemies with illusory voices

Compulsive Laughter: As hideous laughter

Piercing Shriek

Level 3:

Animate Instrument: instrument plays your base bard song (i.e. summoned inv creature)


Chord of Shards:

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Ideas inspired by Demi:

Taunt: Enrage opcode

Distraction Song: base song for RR bard(?)

Fascinate: as base bard

Chaotic Mind: scaling bonus vs enchantment spells

other inspirations:

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I think I have a working revisions...

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New kit: Spell blade(?)

Maybe a bard, maybe fighter/mage

Also, touch like spells, like grasping hand affec melee weapon rather than work the way they usually do

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New Kit: Dirge

  • No rally or counter song
  • Haunting Refrain: Instills a sense of doom in enemies as curse like effect
  • Necro spells (radical version)
  • Dance of the dead
  • Bonus vs death saves

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Grammarsalad commented Jul 25, 2020

New Kit: Danseur Drag_mag Annual 3 p 31
Bard Song Fascinates enemies, and gives the bard a +4 bonus to AC or so.

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Psychologue: Drag_mag Annual 3 p34
+2 bonus vs. enchantment spells; opponents -2 save vs. certain mind-affecting spells

  • 1 attack penalty, d6 (or d4) hit points (one lower level than normal)

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Grammarsalad commented Nov 1, 2020

Dwarven Bards
Can be skalds or chanters
Gains spell resistance equal to int (learn spell) plus bard level starting at 2nd level

Halfling Bards
Can be jesters or whistlers
Gains spell resistance equal to int (learn spell) plus bard level starting at 2nd level

Whistlers can cast certain plant and animal related druid spells.

Gnomish Bards
Can be Professors (eeex only)

Professors can open locks and find and disable traps.

@Grammarsalad Grammarsalad transferred this issue from Grammarsalad/B_Kits Nov 24, 2020
@Grammarsalad Grammarsalad transferred this issue from Grammarsalad/IE_Designs Oct 23, 2021
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