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  • According to google style guide, use 2 spaces to indent and maximum characters of a line is 78.
  • Use syntax as default foldmethod.
  • Use XDG_BASE_DIR to store configuration, data and cache of plugins.
  • ftplugin/*.vim use <buffer> for map and autocmd, and use setlocal and let &l:foo.
  • augroup name is init#foo for autoload/init/foo.vim and init_foo for ftplugin/foo.vim
  • If plugin foo-bar.vim is a plugin of another plugin foo.vim, replace autoload/init/foo_bar.vim with autoload/init/foo/bar.vim.
  • Use vim standard key name, e.g. Replace <c-w> with <C-W>, Replace <plug> with <Plug>.
  • Add necessary comments.
  • If a file don't use default option (e.g. foldmethod, path), write modeline.
  • init.vim classifies all plugins to various categories.
  • Write the issue URL of a plugin's bug followed by an optional instrument. If the bug have not been reported, ignore the issue ID.
  • Configure all plugins like this:
  call dein#add('kana/vim-smartinput', {
        \ 'on_event': ['InsertEnter', 'CmdlineEnter'],
        \ 'hook_source': 'call init#smartinput#source()',
        \ 'hook_post_source': 'call init#smartinput#post_source()',
        \ })

init#smartinput#source() and init#smartinput#post_source() store configurations like global variables, maps, augroup etc. smartinput is normalized name of vim-smartinput. See :h dein-options-normalized_name. Because vim script don't allow function name to contain -, replace - with _.

If one plugin cannot work, we can find rapidly which plugin is conflict with it by deleting dein#add().

rg '" https://github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/issues/\d+' to see all found bugs of plugins.