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Authentication plugin for Genie.jl


Add the GenieAuthentication plugin to your Genie app dependencies.

First load the Genie app's environment:

$ cd /path/to/your/genie_app

$ bin/repl

Next, add the plugin:

julia> ]

(MyGenieApp) pkg> add

Once added, we can use it to add its files to the Genie app (required only upon installation):

julia> using GenieAuthentication

julia> GenieAuthentication.install(@__DIR__)

The above command will set up the plugin's files within your Genie app (will potentially add new views, controllers, models, migrations, initializers, etc).


The main plugin file should now be found in the plugins/ folder within your Genie app. It sets up configuration and registers routes.


Make sure to comment out the /register routes if you don't want to provide user registration features. Otherwise you run the risk of allowing random users to create accounts and expose your application!

Set up the database

The plugin needs DB support to store user data. You will find a *_create_table_users.jl migration file within the db/migrations/ folder. We need to run it:

julia> using SearchLight

julia> SearchLight.Migration.up("CreateTableUsers")

This will create the necessary table.


If your app wasn't already set up to work with SearchLight, you need to add SearchLight support first. Please check the Genie documentation on how to do that.

Forcing authentication

Now that we have a functional authentication system, we can use a Genie controller before hook to force authentication. Add this to the controller files which you want placed behind auth:

before() = authenticated() || throw(ExceptionalResponse(redirect(:show_login)))

The before hook will automatically be invoked by Genie.Router before actually executing the route handler. By throwing an ExceptionalResponse Exception we force a redirect to the :show_login route which displays the login form.