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Applying TDD (Test-driven Development)

  • Jest
  • Login with JWT

Separei a lógica do servidor (aplicação) da parte de 'ouvir' porta para quando rodar os testes não precisar alocar nenhuma porta

Dentro de src/; app.js => lógica do servidor (aplicação) server.js => alocar portas routes.js => rotas da aplicação

Tests with Jest Node.js unit tests, mocks, coverage, etc.

  1. install jest yarn add jest -D

  2. Jest Init yarn jest --init

  3. configure your jest.config.js & create your test in tests/integration or _tests/unit

  4. run your tests yarn test

NOTE: you should create your .env file. example;


tests coverage

run yarn jest and you can see the test coverage of your code. You can see each file and line that need coverage accessing __tests__/coverage/lcov-report/index.html

Testing routes with Supertest

  1. install; yarn add supertest -D

Environment Variables in Windows

Working with Sequelize

Instaling sequelize & other libs

yarn add sequelize pg (I'm using PostgreSQL) yarn add sequelize-cli -D

Sequelize init

yarn sequelize init create files config/config.json & models/index.js & the emptys folders migrations/ and seeders/;

Create migrations

yarn sequelize migration:create --name=create-users

Create a Database in PostgreSQL

If you are using postgreSQL & pgAdmin; Create a new database in PgAdmin NOTE: you can change the username & password in src/config/database.js and the database name must be the same name

running migrations

yarn sequelize db:migrate create tables in the database if they don't exist & update database after create your table you can access in pgAdmin -> Databases -> 'your_database' -> Schemas -> public -> Tables


Jest Node.js unit tests, mocks, coverage, etc.


É um ORM que facilita a gente lidar com os dados e tabelas do nosso Banco de Dados, utilizando sintaxe de Javascript ao invés de SQL.


lib para o sequelize lidar com o Banco de Dados PostgreSQL


ajuda a lidar com a criação das migrations, que são os arquivos que vão controlar a versão das nossas tabelas do BD

Tutorial link