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Additional data & figure visualization notebooks

  • profanity.ipynb: An analysis of profanity usage statistics between different models. We find that further finetuning increases profanity usage, likely due to model forgetting of value alignment.
  • human_feedback.ipynb: An analysis of our human feedback surveys. We find that humans vastly prefer our model outputs for rap, and are even for pop.
  • swift_LM.ipynb: A data analysis & visualization of ground-truth n-gram frequency between baseline and Taylor Swift finetuned models. We find that lyre-swift (the model finetuned from lyre) tends to perform less plagarism.
  • create_training_visualizations: Analysis notebooks for isualizing data from finetuning ablations and monitoring.
  • generate_mt_bench_plots.ipynb: Analysis of task-specific catastrophic forgetting; figure generation from mt-bench.