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This JavaScript includes a solution for adding accessibility styles for official acceccibility guidelines (WCAG 2.1, EN 301 549 V3.1.1 or BITV 2.0) on a user interaction button click. User select will be saved inside users local storage so if you switch pages, your settings will be honored and the additional stylesheet loaded again.

How to Install

Add package

Using npm

npm -i @buddenbrock/contrast-switch.js --save

Using yarn

yarn add @buddenbrock/contrast-switch.js

Add the styles bundle to your head block

Using NPM or Yarn

<link href="./src/contrast-switch.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Using CDN

<link href="[email protected]/src/contrast-switch.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Add the script bundle to your footer script block

Using NPM or Yarn

<script src="./src/contrast-switch.min.js"></script>

Using CDN

<script src="[email protected]/src/contrast-switch.min.js"></script>

How to use

Add a button to your DOM

<button class="btn btn-a11y"></button>

Initialise class

let contrastButton = document.querySelector('.btn.btn-a11y');
let contrastSwitch = new ContrastSwitch(contrastButton);

Add your options

Defining your options by adding settings array to class init. These options are supported. Not redefined options will be set by default values.


Property Description Options Default
toggleClass class added to button if additional stylessheet is active string increased
activeTitle button title if additional stylesheet is active string Reset the contrasts of the page
activeText button content text if additional stylsheed is active string Reset contrasts
inactiveTitle button title if additional stylesheet is inactive string Increase the contrast of the page
inactiveText button content text if additional stylesheet is inactive string Increase contrasts
localStorageKey storage key in which settings will be saved string contrast-key
accessibilityFileProd CSS path to accessibility styles for production system string ./Public/Css/accessibility.min.css
accessibilityFileLocal CSS path to accessibility styles for local system string ./Css/accessibility.css
activeButtonAlertText text shown in alert window if additional styles activated string The contrast of the page has been increased for you. Use cookies to save the setting for the complete experience.
inactiveButtonAlertText text shown in alert window if additional styles deactivated string The contrast of the page is back to normal.
disableWindowAlert disable window alert (if true activeButtonAlertText and inactiveButtonAlertText will be ignored) true/false false
localhostName localhost name string localhost
localhostInfoMessage console message if local system is detected string Localhost detected. Change contrast switch to local file path


let contrastButton = document.querySelector('.btn.btn-a11y');
let contrastSwitch = new ContrastSwitch(contrastButton, {
    toggleClass: 'increased',
    activeTitle: 'Reset the contrasts of the page',
    activeText: 'Reset contrasts',
    inactiveTitle: 'Increase the contrast of the page',
    inactiveText: 'Increase contrasts',

Future feature

  • script should honored browser settings too


This is free, open-source software. If you'd like to support the development of future projects, or say thanks for this one, you can donate.


GPL-3.0 © @buddenbrock/contrast-switch.js