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Alvin Reyes edited this page Dec 30, 2016 · 21 revisions

Developing with FB-BotMill

Table of Contents

Sending Messages

The core of our framework plays around using builder patterns. When sending a message, it is important to keep in mind that whenever we receive a response from the user, we need to build a response object for it.

Here is an example of how you can create a text message response given a user input.

public FbBotMillResponse createResponse(MessageEnvelope envelope) {
	String greetingMessage = "Hey There! ";
	return ReplyFactory.addTextMessageOnly(greetingMessage).build(envelope);

Aside from sending a simple text, you can also respond differently.

public FbBotMillResponse createResponse(MessageEnvelope envelope) {
	return ReplyFactory.addGenericTemplate().addElement("Welcome to TechnoWebHub")
		.addUrlButton("Go to Our Website", "")
		.addPostbackButton("Start Chatting", "chat")
		.setSubtitle("Systems Development Company, How would like to check our services?")

Go to our snippets page for the complete list of Reply/Response type.

Receiving Messages

Either it's rule based or ml-based, receiving a message will be match to a configured Event.

There are different types of Events that can be use to catch a user input. The most basic one would be to match it against a specific string.

addActionFrame(new MessageEvent("text message"), new MessageAutoReply("simple text message"));

You can also match it against a Regular Expression.

addActionFrame(new PostbackPatternEvent(Pattern.compile("(?i:chat)")), new AutoReply() {
	public FbBotMillResponse createResponse(MessageEnvelope envelope) {
		return ReplyFactory.addTextMessageOnly("Sure!").build(envelope);

A postback.

addActionFrame(new PostbackPatternEvent(Pattern.compile("(?i:services)")), new AutoReply() {
	public FbBotMillResponse createResponse(MessageEnvelope envelope) {
		return ReplyFactory.addTypingAction(TypingAction.TYPING_ON).build(envelope);

addActionFrame(new PostbackEvent("inquire_softdev", false), new AutoReply() {
	public FbBotMillResponse createResponse(MessageEnvelope envelope) {
		return ReplyFactory.addTextMessageOnly("Hold on tight, One of our Sales Development will be with you shortly!")

And even a catch all event.

addActionFrame(new AnyEvent(), new AutoReply() {
	public FbBotMillResponse createResponse(MessageEnvelope envelope) {
		if(safeGetMessage(envelope).equals("")) {return null;}
		return ReplyFactory.addTextMessageOnly("I didn't get that, you can type in: products, service or bot demo").build(envelope);

Go to our snippets page for the complete list of Events.

For more information on other callbacks, framework features or how to create a different kind of reply, check out the official wiki.


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Copyright (c) 2017 Donato Rimenti, Alvin Reyes

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