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This project cannot die. Not like this. #375

TheOPtimal opened this issue Nov 24, 2020 · 42 comments

This project cannot die. Not like this. #375

TheOPtimal opened this issue Nov 24, 2020 · 42 comments


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The whole point of free software is to resist these proprietary companies and be free. However, when a company like Discord is able to shut down a FOSS project contradicting them, it's extremely bad.

Isn't the whole point of free software to take away control from the companies and put it in the hands of people? If Discord can just shut down the project like this, then that means that they took control. And that we as a community, have failed in our efforts.

This cannot be the end of cordless. One of the best 3rd party Discord clients just getting shut down by Discord for violating ToS. The project already violated ToS, and ToS is enforced. What were people thinking? If you use a 3rd party client, you get banned.

But we as a community need to take that risk. We're fighting for freedom in software, and we can't succumb like this. At least not this simply.

This project was the first step of the death of Discord, because Discord is in itself a proprietary platform. However, we know that most of our friends and relatives will stick to Discord no matter what, because of Discord's "gamer" attitude. This project was kind of a way out of that, not quite but still close.

A project like this can't end. At least not like this.

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Hual commented Nov 24, 2020

reddit is that way, this platform is for software issues

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@TheOPtimal I partially agree with you, but Discord owns the APIs and the infrastructure. It's not like cordless was a standalone platform with both backend and frontend that was struck down by Discord. And technically I could keep cordless going, the reason I was banned was most likely an access to the DM endpoint. However, I don't neccessarily want to risk getting more people banned. Either way, I will keep the repository up and maybe archive it in the next days.

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0neGal commented Nov 24, 2020

Just to clarify if you were to remove all DM related parts of Cordless would it (in theory) stop the bans? Or am I missing something.

Also if you don't mind is there any way to disable the warning pop up? Whether through a config or where it is in the source code.

I'm considering just being on alts for most things and continuously using Cordless, as I like most people, can't stand the official client.

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I never thought Discord would do something like that.damm !

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0neGal commented Nov 24, 2020

Tbh, I see a lot of reasons for Discord doing this but at the same time, why now? Imagine if Discord made their own official API, dahm... That'd be a dream world.

I sure as hell ain't going back to a 300-400mb app that's one thing I can guarantee you that.

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Bios-Marcel commented Nov 24, 2020

@0neGuyDev The warning popup is cordless. That was my way to officially discontinue package manager installations. Sorry for that.
And yes, assuming that the DM endpoint is the culprit, then it would solve the risk. But that doesn't mean, that the same issue wouldn't happen with a different endpoint tomorrow. And as discord doesn't communicate with me, I simply can't know this.

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0neGal commented Nov 24, 2020

It's also weird how in the past Discord used to handle these things by making issues and pr's on repos (Notably an employee who goes by Night) telling the owner's how to handle the issues, and then letting everything settle down, apparently not this time.

The warning popup is cordless.

So there's no way to remove it? That's really what I was asking about.

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Correct. Just use the precompiled binaries from the releases section or self-compile. Both works just fine and just like before.

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just to be clear, we can or can not keep using cordless ? i have setup corless in raspberry pi 3b+ and was/is perfect.

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You can and will ever be able to do whatever you want with the source code or your already compiled binaries.

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0neGal commented Nov 24, 2020

Got clone the repository locally

Run go build and then mv cordless /use/bin that'll compile it.

Even tho the README said how to do this already.

Also remove the package from my package manager first.

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@jasoncitron, @vishnevskiy, @night, what would it take for a project like this to be officially sanctioned?

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This is a real bummer, but at least what we've got so far will still work. Maybe someday they'll decide they're okay with it and it will come back, but until then thanks for the amazing program @Bios-Marcel!

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This is so sad

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normen commented Nov 27, 2020

Its sad but really, if they don't say anything then everything is as before. Sure you got a ban but you probably also had to try around a lot while developing, causing some erroneous requests to their API, thus triggering some bells in their control room. Really I think all of this is still well under their radar in the sense of "we gotta stop this".

Idk if giving up so quickly is warranted - of course its a personal decision. But maybe somebody else wants to pick up the work in case @Bios-Marcel really doesn't want to continue working on this anymore?

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Y-Less commented Nov 29, 2020

This project was the first step of the death of Discord, because Discord is in itself a proprietary platform. However, we know that most of our friends and relatives will stick to Discord no matter what,

Only if everyone who knows better keeps using it. Use a fully open-source system and encourage them to do so as well. If you really care about not using proprietary systems then do something about it, don't just complain that said proprietary system is acting all proprietary.

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0neGal commented Nov 29, 2020

I'd say move onto Matrix, and bug Discord users about it... I've been hinting about the features of Matrix to some people and gotten them to switch, some thanking me relentlessly, surprisingly it's possible...

This frontend for Cordless could possibly be turned into a Matrix client if someone forks it, as Weechat is the only good terminal frontend for Matrix, and it may seem like a lot to configure for new users. But then again new users won't really be using it in their terminal anyway (You got element for them)

Point is, I've been trying to cut my my strings to Discord over the past few weeks, with some degrees of success. As of right now I only use it on my phone and in rare cases through a cookie'less browser window.

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normen commented Nov 29, 2020 via email

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It bugged out for me a long time ago so i quit using it. Seems I dodged a bullet, not so muich for my two friends who I recommended cordless to.
Too bad xmmp is trash.

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Hey everyone - I was one of the contributors to Cordless, and used Discord quite a bit. They locked out all my accounts, so I dropped Discord entirely and moved to Matrix.

I would recommend everyone that's been burnt by Discord to do the same. There's even a tui client for it, called gomuks (see

It's unfortunate that Discord has decided to go this route, but this is the true nature of proprietary systems.

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onestep749 commented Dec 6, 2020 via email

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0neGal commented Dec 6, 2020

I mean is there any proof they aren't? Also they may use the API in a different way there's not really any way to know for sure...

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onestep749 commented Dec 6, 2020 via email

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Every other discord client is deprecated or dead except ripcord and well - the official one. I guess it's time to move to matrix and bring all my friends there,

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Hual commented Dec 8, 2020

Every other discord client is deprecated or dead except ripcord and well - the official one. I guess it's time to move to matrix and bring all my friends there,

thanks for letting us know what platform you'll be using

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Why so salty @Hual ^^

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normen commented Dec 8, 2020

thanks for letting us know what platform you'll be using

At least its a pointer in a different direction, not the same thing from another company. For Matrix it'll never happen that an open client is being strong-armed like this.

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It's not the client per-se that's being strong-armed. Who knows maybe if I had put in more effort into keeping the API versions in sync, thid wouldn't have happened. We don't really know why exactly this happened or if there was a way to avoid it. However, I don't even want to work on something anymore that's so painful to maintain because it's not officially documented as it's not intended to be used by third parties either way. In a way I am happy to put this behind me. I wish I would've never started using discord, as it was never up to my standards. This counts for many other services as well and I don't like the direction the internet is going in that regard. Such painful experiences however are at least a bit eye-opening.

As for Matrix, I wouldn't dare calling it a proper replacement. Matrix can't compete with discord, however, I'd say it's unfair to compare them at all, as both of them tried to solve slightly different problems and have slightly different target audiences.

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normen commented Dec 8, 2020

Banning and then ghosting is strong-arming imo - especially the larger and more important the banning party is. Same way some companies just ignore customer rights until another larger institution picks up the trail and they actually start to change something.

But sure - I get what you say. Still, these kinds of apps are imo one of the best ways to demonstrate that people want things to work differently. If only to improve the product per se in the end.

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TheOPtimal commented Dec 9, 2020 via email

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Getting a little off-topic, but they are redoing Communities into something called "Spaces" which will be somewhat like a discord "server". They have a talk starting in an hour about it

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TheOPtimal commented Dec 9, 2020 via email

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Botspot commented Dec 30, 2020

Why not use a headless browser running as the backend for Cordless? No API, no problem.

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That sounds like a pain in the ass. Either way, I said goodbye to discord. For me, this is better in multiple ways.

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onestep749 commented Dec 30, 2020 via email

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Well, I tried matrix too. It's not quite perfect and doesn't scale super well I guess. And the whole protocol being open, but clients all having different features sets, especially regarding encryption and verification, is kind of annoying.

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onestep749 commented Dec 30, 2020 via email

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upvoting this and how can i disable the "sorry" notice from the author?

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You can't. Guess I wasn't clear enough ^^

If you want to keep using cordless, compile it yourself or use older binaries.

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I feel so regretful that I upgraded cordless, I think there will be someone who continue maintaining this but it's not me.

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MrAlexEsisteGia commented Jan 1, 2021

I absolutely agree, I use discord every day and even pay for it but I absolutely hate how they treat some things like this, I'm even thinking about not paying for nitro anymore after reading a thing like this, I need answers, I hope this was just a big misunderstanding
@night @discord

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Bios-Marcel commented Jan 1, 2021

Well, like I said, it was probably due to me using an outdated endpoint. But they provided no specific information, just vague bullshit. It couldn't have been spamming the endpoint, because i just opened two DMs one direectly after the other. If that counts as spam ... then I don't know. I accidentally DMed the wrong person initially and instantly created a new room. Just stop bugging discord devs / discord about this, it doesn't matter anymore. Discord is a walled garden, this is and will always be a bad thing.

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