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Readable Stream

The readable stream is the next stream module that we are going to study. The general idea of the readable stream is similar to the writable stream but kind of in a reverse way.

The readable stream has more responsibilities and methods than the writable and also has a method named pipe (which you might have heard before and we will discuss it later) that somehow is in charge of managing the writable stream either – this is one of the main reasons that first we examined the writable stream.

readable stream

According to the image above it seems that the whole responsibility of the readable stream is to somehow make it possible to read chunk by chunk of the pushed data – which is pushed by the source - from a readable stream object.

A readable stream object provides a variety of ways to read from it and we will investigate all of them.

Let’s start to implement our readable stream module by building a class based structure.

// =============================
//   Inside readable.js module
// =============================
class Readable {
  constructor() {}

Before implementing different methods for reading from the stream, first, we ought to examine to see how the source is going to push its data to the stream.

The readable stream has a method named push to get the chunk of data from a source.

push(chunk) {}

Now for reading the chunks from the stream we can’t just create another method to read the chunks.

Because there isn’t any connection that could act as a bridge between these two methods that enable us to get the pushed chunk from the push method unless we define a property on this object to store the pushed chunk that the other method could read from that property, or let the user define the second method for us and we just call it inside the push method.

Here we plan to use an event system that seems to be a much cleaner approach.

So inside the push method we just emit a data event and send the pushed chunk to the listeners.

In order to use an event system, first, we need to require an events module – as we said before you are free to use our implemented events module or the built-in one.

const EventEmitter = require('./events');

After requiring an events module then let the Readable class extends from that.

Note: Don’t forget to call the super method inside of the constructor of the Readable class to construct the EventEmitter class.

class Readable extends EventEmitter {
  constructor() {

Now that we can use the event system, let’s emit a data event inside the push method.

push(chunk) {
  this.emit('data', chunk);

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So far we have reached our purpose to somehow get the pushed chunks from the source.

But we don’t have any control over it and also this strategy has some disadvantages. For example, we would lose data if we don’t have any listener for the data event and we cannot notify the source that we haven’t consumed the previous chunks yet or pause it somehow.

To overcome these issues, first of all, we need to be able to buffer the data in the memory.

Because in this module we must have more control over the buffer, so we should implement a queue module for buffering data that could meet our requirements.

The Buffer object in Node.js is so similar to the array object. Thus it is already a list of data but we are going to use a combination of singly linked list structure and Buffer object.

Note: If you already know how a queue of Buffer nodes works, you can skip this part or just skim it and go for the next part.

If you don’t know about linked list structure, it is simply a list of nodes – imagine a node as a JavaScript object - in the memory that each node usually contains a data property and some properties for pointing to the other nodes.

A singly linked list is just a type of linked list that each node of it only points to the next node.

singly linked list

For traversing a linked list, we can’t access each node directly and we have to always start to traverse from the first node – it’s called head - and access the next node through the current node and so on.

Now let’s implement our BufferList module by building a class based structure as usual.

// ================================
//   Inside buffer-list.js module
// ================================
class BufferList {
  constructor() {}

The required properties that we need to implement a queue are a head property to point to the first node of the queue, a tail property to point to the last node of the queue, and also a length property to store the number of nodes in the queue.

constructor() {
  this.head = null;
  this.tail = null;
  this.length = 0;

Before going any further, we should define a Node class to instantiate new nodes for the queue.

class Node {
  constructor(data, next = null) { = data; = next;

It takes two arguments to build a new node. The data argument is obvious but the next argument is used to point to another node – like a chain.

Now it’s time to implement the required methods.

The first method we are going to implement is a push method to add a new node to the end of the queue.

push(data) {
  const node = new Node(data);
  if (this.length > 0) = node;
    this.head = node;
  this.tail = node;

In this method first, we create a new node that contains the data.

For adding a new node to a queue, there are two possible states. If the queue is not empty, we need to make the next property of the tail node points to the new node and then the tail itself points to the new node because the tail should always point to the last node.

But if the queue is empty, we need to make the head points to the new node and then make the tail points to the new node too.

Note: In both situations, the tail needs to point to the new node anyway.

In the end, we should increase the length to could track the size of the queue.

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The next method that we are going to implement is named unshift to add a new node to the front of the queue. There are some situations that this method can be useful.

unshift(data) {
  const node = new Node(data, this.head);
  this.head = node;
  if (this.length === 0)
    this.tail = node;

First, we create a new node again but because with the unshift method the new node must be added to the front of the queue, so the next property of the new node should always point to the head and then the head itself points to the new node.

After that, we check if the queue is empty, make the tail points to the new node either, and then increase the length.

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The next method is named shift that we need to implement to return the data (only data not the node) of the first node in the queue.

shift() {
  if (this.length === 0)
  const ret =;
  if (this.length === 1)
    this.head = this.tail = null;
    this.head =;
  return ret;

First, check if the queue is empty just returns nothing (undefined value). Otherwise after storing the data value of the head in a variable, then check if the size of the queue is equal to 1, which means that the head and tail both point to the same node, so make both of them equal to null.

But if the queue has more than one node, then make the head points to the next node in the queue. Also, don’t forget to decrease the length value before returning the data.

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We also need a method to make the queue empty.

clear() {
  this.head = this.tail = null;
  this.length = 0;

Making a queue empty is just like resetting the queue properties to their initial values.

Source code

We should also define a very short but handy method named first just to get the data of the first node in the queue.

first() {

Source code

Now it’s time to implement some more complicated methods to aid to work with Buffer data more efficiently.

As we said before because this queue must be able to store the data with the type of Buffer and also because the Buffer object is like a list of bytes, so we need a method to return n bytes of data from the queue.

To understand it better, let’s imagine the queue contains two nodes and each node contains a Buffer data with the size of 10 bytes. Now if we want to read 15 bytes of data, we need a method to return the concatenation of the whole bytes of the first node plus the half of the second one.

But keep in mind that this method just returns the data and won’t remove them from the queue.

concat(n) {
  if (this.length === 0)
    return Buffer.alloc(0);
  const ret = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n >>> 0);
  let p = this.head;
  let i = 0;
  while (p) {,, i);
    i +=;
    p =;
  return ret;

Since this method is supposed to work with Buffer data, so it concatenates the data inside a new Buffer.

The alloc and allocUnsafe methods of Buffer just allocate a new Buffer of n bytes in the memory. The difference between them is when you use the alloc method, it automatically fills the allocated memory with zero value. But the allocaUnsafe method does not initialize the allocated memory and you might even see it contains the previous data that are left in the memory – but this method is faster.

Using unsigned right shift operator >>> with a zero value converts any float number to an integer number and any value that cannot be converted to a number will become 0.

After allocating a Buffer with the size of n then we just need to traverse the linked list to read the required length of bytes of data from the nodes.

The purpose of using this line of code:,, i);

is because we have already had an allocated Buffer and the value of is also a Buffer, so we need a way to put the value of to the ret by starting from the offset of i, and also Buffer itself doesn’t have such a method.

The Uint8Array is a JavaScript type and the Buffer is only a subclass of the Unit8Array that is implemented by Node.js. So a Buffer object is kind of a Uint8Array object and because of that by binding a Buffer object to the set method of the Uint8Array class we can benefit from that.

Note: If we don’t use this method, another approach is to loop through the bytes of and put each byte inside of the ret and also take care of the offset of i.

The only problem with this set method is that if the length of the be greater than from the offset to the end of the ret length, it would throw a RangeError because it loops through the bytes. But we don't need to take care of that here because we only use the concat method to read the entire data in the list of nodes and we won’t send an n value that is out of range – in the implementation of the next method, we will overcome this problem where we need it.

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The last but not least method that we should implement is a method for consuming n bytes of data – which means return them and also remove them from the queue.

Let’s create a method named consume that takes a parameter named n.

consume(n) {}

There are three possible states for consuming n bytes of data that we need to take care of them inside this method.

The first state is when the value of n is less than the length of the value of data in the head, then use the slice method to slice n bytes of data from the data property. Also before returning that piece of data, we should use the slice method again to put the rest of the data back to the data property.

const data =;
if (n < data.length) {
  const ret = data.slice(0, n); = data.slice(n);
  return ret;

The second state is when the value of n is equal to the length of the value of the data property in the head, then we just need to use the shift method we implemented earlier and return it.

if (n === data.length)
  return this.shift();

The third – aka the last - state is the most complicated one. Because you need to allocate a buffer with enough space, then traverse the queue and set the data to the allocated buffer. Also, you must move the head forward as reading its data – don’t forget the tail if you reach the end of the queue too.

const ret = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n);
const retLen = n;
let p = this.head;
let c = 0;
do {
  const buf =;
  if (n > buf.length) {, buf, retLen - n);
    n -= buf.length;
  } else {
    if (n === buf.length) {, buf, retLen - n);
      if (
        this.head =;
        this.head = this.tail = null;
    } else {,
        new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, n),
        retLen - n); = buf.slice(n);
      this.head = p;
} while (p =;
this.length -= c;
return ret;

The code is sort of straightforward and you would understand it by walking through it slowly.

The only thing that might confuse you is this part:,
  new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, n),
  retLen - n);

This part is a solution to the problem that we pointed in the implementation of the previous method (concat). The problem occurs when the length of the second argument be greater than the remained length of the first argument mines the value of the third argument.

This line of code can solve the problem by creating a new buffer with the required size.

new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, n)

Note: If you are curious about Node.js Buffer and want to know what exactly are the values of buf.buffer and buf.byteOffset you should check out the Node.js documentation, because it is out of the scope of this book.

At this moment, we implemented the required methods to work with our BufferList module and we are finished.

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Now we have a BufferList module so we can go back to the readable stream module to continue the implementation.

As we discussed before, we created a BufferList module to use to buffering data to avoid data losing as much as possible. But how are we supposed to benefit from that?

If we review the simple workflow of our readable module, we can see that the data is always flowing through it. But we need a methodology to control this flowing.

In order to do that, the built-in Node.js stream module came up with an idea of defining two modes for the module – when the data flow through the stream and when they just are buffered in the memory. Thus a flag is defined in the module named flowing to use to switch between these two modes.

For adding states to our module, we should do what we did with the Writable module. So first let’s build another class named ReadableState.

class ReadableState {
  constructor() {}

And then add the required properties to its constructor.

constructor() {
  this.buffer = new BufferList();
  this.length = 0;
  this.flowing = null;

Note: Don’t forget to require the BufferList module.

The length property is for tracking the current size of data in the buffer.

If you wonder about the value of the flowing flag – because we said it only has two modes earlier – we can see that it can be a null value that causes to have more control over changing the value of this flag, now we can also find out a little more about its current mode – it will be used in some conditions later. The null value here is considered as a non-flowing mode.

Also after adding the properties to the ReadableState class, we should create an instance of this class inside the constructor of the Readable class.

constructor() {
  this._readableState = new ReadableState();

Hence the default value of the flowing stats is equal to a non-flowing value, so we need to make sure that the pushed chunks of data won’t be emitted to the data event unless the flowing mode is switched. And also we should buffer the data while the flowing flag is not true - which could be false or null.

push(chunk) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (state.flowing) {
    this.emit('data', chunk);
  } else {
    state.length += chunk.length;

Certainly, now we need another method to change the value of the flowing flag to true.

resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  state.flowing = true;

Let’s review the workflow again. At first, the module is in the paused mode. At this moment if we first call the resume method to change the mode and then push data, the data will be emitted to the data event even when there is no listener.

We can fix this issue by adding another condition to the if statement for emitting data to ensure that we have any listener for the data event.

if (state.flowing && this.listenerCount('data') > 0) {
  this.emit('data', chunk);


Another possible way for calling the methods is when first we push some data and because it’s in paused mode, the data will be buffered and after that, calling the resume method causes the flowing flag to become true and if we have any listener for the data event, the newly coming chunks will be sent while the previous chunks remain in the memory.

To overcome this problem, first, we ought to add another condition to the if statement of the push method to guarantee that the new chunks won’t be sent while there exist some data in the buffer.

if (state.flowing && this.listenerCount('data') > 0 && state.length === 0) {
  this.emit('data', chunk);

We also need to consume the buffered data after start flowing. For doing that we need a method to call it in the resume method that reads the existing chunks in the buffer and sends them to the data event as well.

read() {
  const state = this._readableState;

  let ret = null;
  if (state.length > 0)
    ret = state.buffer.shift();

  if (ret !== null) {
    state.length -= ret.length;
    this.emit('data', ret);

  return ret;

Now we must keep calling this method inside the resume method as long as there is data to be read.

resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  state.flowing = true;
  while ( !== null);

Note: As you might have noticed, the emitting data event inside the read method would cause it to lose data if no listener is defined at that point. But don’t worry about it because this issue has existed in the built-in stream module either.

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So far, in order to be able to read the chunks from the readable stream, we have to call the resume method explicitly. But it could be better if our stream module was smart enough to change the mode when we add a listener to the data event. Because when we add a listener, obviously we are going to read from the stream.

For the reason of overcoming this feature, we need to override the on method that is used to add listeners to our stream module. But we are not going to override it inside the events module because we require the main functionality of the on method either.

on(eventName, listener) {
  super.on(eventName, listener);

The result of this implementation so far is exactly as before because we just get the required parameters and pass them to the main on method in the superclass – which is the EventEmitter class.

Note: Because the term class in JavaScript does not mean the same thing as it does in other languages, so overriding a method of superclass might be a little different and we need to call the super.method in our implemented method explicitly.

Now let’s use this overridden method to change the mode on adding a data event listener.

on(eventName, listener) {
  super.on(eventName, listener);

  if (eventName === 'data')

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Another issue that we should handle is when we push data and then call the resume method and finally add a listener to the data event synchronously. In that circumstance, we will lose some data.

To handle that we need to upgrade the resume method a little bit.

Whenever you want to run some codes after the synchronous codes, simply you can run them in the next tick of the event loop by using some methods like process.nextTick.

But until some codes are going to run in the next tick, we should be careful about the states that might affect the codes.

Thus we define a flag that could help us to avoid recalling the process.nextTick before the previous one has not been run yet.

this.resumeScheduled = false;

Because the main part of the resume method is the while loop that causes the read method to be called constantly, we put that part inside another method named _resume.

At this moment, we have the method that is going to run in the next tick plus the required flags to control this process, we just need to add an if statement to the resume method to use the process.nextTick method inside of its body.

This is how the resume method looks after the changes:

resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  state.flowing = true;
  if (!state.resumeScheduled) {
    state.resumeScheduled = true;

And this is inside of the _resume method that is ready to run in the next tick:

_resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  state.resumeScheduled = false;
  while ( !== null);

Besides, we thought that this could be a good idea to notify the user that the resume operation starts running by emitting a resume event.

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Due to the existed methodology of having two modes in our stream module and the methods for changing the current mode to a flowing mode, we need another method to turn it back to the paused mode likewise.

But despite the null value in the flowing flag that could affect the workflow, we should be careful about the conditions in the methods that be affected by this flag.

pause() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (state.flowing !== false) {
    state.flowing = false;
  return this;

Because we emitting a pause event here, we ought to first check if the current mode is not already paused then change the flag and emit the event. This could be a good idea that we can apply it to the resume method as well.

resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (!state.flowing) {
    state.flowing = true;
    if (!state.resumeScheduled) {
      state.resumeScheduled = true;

And because whilst the while loop inside the _resume method is calling the read method, the stream mode must be changed to paused mode, we should be informed and break the while loop. Additionally, it can be cool to make a separate method for this functionality.

_resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  state.resumeScheduled = false;

So inside the _resume method we just call the new _flow method.

_flow() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  while (state.flowing && !== null);

And inside the _flow method we added another condition to the while for checking the flowing flag each round.

Also when we call the pause method and update the value of the flowing flag to false we can literary say that the mode is in paused mode now – because it could have a null value which is considered a non-flowing mode – so it could be useful if we have a method to check if the mode is in paused mode.

isPaused() {
  return this._readableState.flowing === false;

Ultimately we shouldn’t forget about the on method that implicitly changes the mode by adding a listener to the data event.

When the user calls the pause method to pause the flowing mode explicitly, only by adding an event listener shouldn’t be allowed to change the mode. So we add an if statement to limit the action inside the on method.

const state = this._readableState;
if (eventName === 'data') {
  if (state.flowing !== false)

Note: After calling the pause method you can only call the resume method to change the mode.

Source code

The next issue that should be covered, is when there isn’t any consumer on the other side of the readable stream, what is the point of pushing data when they would never be consumed? And so far with our implementation the source still has no idea that the chunks of data that it pushes, whether they are consumed.

To the reason of handling this circumstance, we can call a method that is going to be implemented by the source and assuming that the push method is called inside of that method. In this way, we can kind of give the awareness to the source that whenever this method is called, it means that there is a consumer on the other side that wants you to push more data.

First things first, we should define that method to throw an error to force the source to implement it.

_read() {
  throw new Error('_read method must be implemented');

Now we can call this method inside the read method.

Because we assume that the push method is supposed to be called inside the _read method, so it’s better to be aware somehow that if the last time we called the _read method and the push method hasn’t been called yet, avoid recalling the _read method.

To handle that, we define a new flag named reading which is equal to false by default and becomes true on calling the _read method, then only inside of the push method would be turned back to false again.

this.reading = false;

After defining the flag, add this part of the code to the beginning of the read method.

if (!state.reading) {
  state.reading = true;

Then add this code at the beginning of the push method too (before the if statement).

state.reading = false;

Now there exist some corner cases that make our code a little buggy.

Because of the conditions in the if statement of the push method, the chunk of data would be sent to the data event immediately before the read method be called.

if (state.flowing && this.listenerCount('data') > 0 && state.length === 0) {
  this.emit('data', chunk);

And also because we want the reading process to be started by calling the read method, we need to define a flag named sync to be set to true by default to avoid this action and make the emitting of the data event to happen on the next tick.

this.sync = true;

Update the body of the if statement that we added to the read method earlier.

if (!state.reading) {
  state.sync = true;
  state.reading = true;
  state.sync = false;

Finally, add another condition to the if statement in the push method.

if (state.flowing && this.listenerCount('data') > 0 && state.length === 0 && !state.sync) {
  this.emit('data', chunk);

Source code

So far we sort of have control over the calling of the push method. But we don’t have any control over the size of the buffer yet. To handle that we are intending to use the same approach as we used for the writable stream, which is defining a highWaterMark property.

Accordingly, inside the constructor of the ReadableState class, we define the highWaterMark with the default value of 16K and also make its value optional that the user could change it on instantiating.

class ReadableState {
  constructor({ highWaterMark = 16 * 1024 }) {
    this.buffer = new BufferList();
    this.length = 0;
    this.flowing = null;
    this.resumeScheduled = false;
    this.reading = false;
    this.sync = true;
    this.highWaterMark = highWaterMark;

And then a few changes inside the constructor of the Readable class.

constructor(options = {}) {
  this._readableState = new ReadableState(options);

Now we plan to make the push method to return a value based on the highWaterMark. At the end of the method add this code to notify the source whether the length of the buffer exceeds the threshold.

return state.length < state.highWaterMark;

Similarly, the read method requires some changes for the conditions of calling the _read method to benefit from the highWaterMark value.

First, we need to define a method named _howMuchToRead to get to know about the size of chunks that we are about to read.

_howMuchToRead() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (state.length === 0)
    return 0;
  return state.buffer.first().length;

Basically, this method returns the size of the first chunk of data in the buffer if the buffer is not empty. Then inside of the read method, first define a variable to store the returned value of the _howMuchToRead method.

let n = this._howMuchToRead();

Then replace this part of the code with the if statement to calling the _read method.

let doRead = false;

if (state.length - n < state.highWaterMark)
  doRead = true;

if (state.reading)
  doRead = false;
else if (doRead) {
  state.sync = true;
  state.reading = true;
  state.sync = false;

  if (!state.reading)
    n = this._howMuchToRead();

Note: I know the structure of the if statements might sound a little confusing to you and you feel that could have been simpler and cleaner. But this is what is used in the built-in stream module.

The whole point of these if statements are for recognizing when calling the _read method and when not.

So we assume that if after consuming the n bytes of data from the buffer, the size of the buffer is less than the highWaterMark and the value of reading flag is false, the _read method should be called and the value of highWaterMark should be passed to inform the source about the threshold.

Moreover, the intention of calling the _howMuchToRead method again is because at first, the buffer might be empty but after the calling of _read method and then in the case of pushing new data – that causes the reading flag to be changed – we need to calculate the value of n again.

As another update, it could be more helpful if we separate the code for consuming data from the buffer into another method.

We can do that by creating a method named _fromList to read from the buffer list.

_fromList(n) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  return state.buffer.shift();

And then replace this code inside the read method with the one that just read from the buffer directly.

ret = this._fromList();

Note: If this method seems unnecessary, don’t worry about it, because we are intending to handle more stuff inside of it later.

Source code

For reading from a readable stream, there is more than one way. The other way that we are about to investigate is via using the read method explicitly.

The read method is a public method and also returns the read data, which means that it is capable to be used as an approach to read from the stream.

Note: We just distinguish the methods to be public or private by starting the name of the private methods with an underline (_) character as a convention.

The only feature that we can add to the read method to make it more capable, is adding a parameter to it to represent the number of bytes that is going to be read.

We can make the n variable - that we defined before - as the parameter of this method.

Now because the value of n is given by the user, so it’s safer to be a little normalized.

Put this code at the beginning of the read method:

if (n === undefined) {
  n = NaN;
} else if (!Number.isInteger(n)) {
  n = parseInt(n, 10);
const nOrig = n;

We replace the undefined value with a NaN value to use it in the conditions of the _howMuchToRead method.

Note: We store the original value of n in another variable called nOrig to use it later.

Thus, update the _howMuchToRead method to accept the n as a parameter.

_howMuchToRead(n) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (n <= 0 || state.length === 0)
    return 0;
  if (Number.isNaN(n)) {
    if (state.flowing && state.length)
      return state.buffer.first().length;
    return state.length;
  if (n <= state.length)
    return n;
  return 0;

And now inside the read method, we should call the _howMuchToRead method by passing the value of n to normalize it.

n = this._howMuchToRead(n);

But for the second calling of _howMuchToRead (in the middle of the method), we should pass the original value on n which is stored in the nOrig variable already. Because the first call of the _howMuchToRead might have changed the value of n so here it's safer to continue with the original one.

n = this._howMuchToRead(nOrig);

Similarly, we should update the final part of this method with this new code.

let ret = null;
if (n > 0)
  ret = this._fromList(n);

if (ret !== null) {
  state.length -= n;
  this.emit('data', ret);

As you can see here, we pass the n to the _fromList method to read the required bytes from the buffer. So we need to update that method either.

_fromList(n) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (state.length === 0)
    return null;
  let ret;
  if (n >= state.length) {
    if (state.buffer.length === 1)
      ret = state.buffer.first();
      ret = state.buffer.concat(state.length);
  } else {
    ret = state.buffer.consume(n);
  return ret;

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By adding the ability to the read method to read any size of data, we can be aware of the potential of consumer reading power. So if the consumer can read bigger chunks of data, why not benefit from that by increasing the value of highWaterMark.

But the question is, how much should we increase the highWaterMark?

A wise approach is to increase the highWaterMark based on the value on n. This means if the value of n is a small number, we should increase the highWaterMark in a tiny amount, but if the value of n is a large number, we should increase the highWaterMark massively.

Note: We only increase the highWaterMark if its value is less than the value of n.

Also, we plan to follow an approach which is raising the value based on the power of 2.

For example, if the current value of highWaterMark is 10 and the value of n is 26 then we increase the highWaterMark to the smallest square number that is greater than n, which would be 32 here.

For doing that, first at this code to the read method before calling the _howMuchToRead method for the first time.

if (n > state.highWaterMark)
  state.highWaterMark = this._computeNewHighWaterMark(n);

Now we need to implement the _computeNewHighWaterMark method to meet the expectation.

In order to achieve that functionality, we are using some bitwise operators.

To understand how we are going to use the bitwise operators for that operation, let’s investigate the required calculations along with the values from a binary perspective.

Let’s go with the number of the previous example. So we have the number 26 for the n which is represented in binary as:

binary 26

And the output that we need to reach from this input is 32 that in binary is:

binary 32

So as you noticed, by making the bit after the leftmost bit of the input to 1 and make all the bits from right to the leftmost bit to 0, we can reach the desired output from any input.

But to implement this algorithm, it would be simpler first we reach from the input to the output minus 1 – which means at the end we need to add 1 to the output.

Thus, the output minus 1 is equal to:

binary 31

Now it seems more achievable.

In order to reach from any input to this output we just need to find out their common bit, which is the leftmost bit that we sure it always equals 1.

binary 1x

Regardless of the other bits, for making all of the x bits to be equal to 1, we can use | (aka OR) operator with this current value and the value that is shifted to the right one time as its operands.

n |= n >>> 1;

binary 11x

After that, repeat this operation with shifting one time, is kind of wasting time. Because at this point we sure that we have double 1s next to each other. So for the optimizing purpose continue with value 2 that causes to have four value 1s next to each other and so on.

As the result, we should repeat this process with the square numbers as shifting value and because the bitwise operators are performed on 32 bits binary numbers, so we only need to do that until we reach number 16.

Furthermore, the input should be minus 1 before starting the operation, because if the input is already a square number, we want that the output to be generated as the same as input without any effect. (i.e. 16 => 16)

_computeNewHighWaterMark(n) {
  const MAX_HWM = 0x40000000;
  if (n >= MAX_HWM) {
    n = MAX_HWM;
  } else {
    n |= n >>> 1;
    n |= n >>> 2;
    n |= n >>> 4;
    n |= n >>> 8;
    n |= n >>> 16;
  return n;

Note: There is a defined max value for the highWaterMark that guarantees its value never exceeds 1GB (HEX: 0x40000000).

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As we stated before that for reading from a readable stream, there is more than one way, now it’s time to examine the next approach.

Here we are intending to get help from an event named readable to read from the stream.

As it is mentioned in the Node.js documentation:

“The readable event is emitted when there is data available to be read from the stream. In some cases, attaching a listener for the readable event will cause some amount of data to be read into an internal buffer.”

Thus, according to the first part of the definition, we can use the readable event to figure out when there are some data in the buffer, and then via using the read method, start the reading process until it returns a null value.

It is more suitable to start the implementation with only the first part of the definition to avoid any further complexity and ambiguity.

First of all, we require a method that can be used to emit the readable event in the next tick.

For managing the code to run in the next tick and avoid scheduling new emitting before running the previous one, using some flags is essential.

The first flag we need is named emittedReadable to know whether there is any scheduled emitting already.

this.emittedReadable = false;

The next flag which is named needReadable is going to be set in some places which we feel that emitting a readable event is needed, we set this flag to be used at some points for calling the _emitReadable method – that we plan to implement it.

this.needReadable = false;

At this moment, we can implement the required method.

_emitReadable() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  state.needReadable = false;
  if (!state.emittedReadable) {
    state.emittedReadable = true;
    process.nextTick(() => {
      if (state.length) {
        state.emittedReadable = false;

The workflow is straightforward. First, we make the needReadable flag to false, after that, we check if there isn’t any scheduled emitting already then set it.

Also in the callback of process.nextTick, it’s better to check whether there is any data in the buffer before emitting the event. Because the buffered data might have been read via another way before that point.

The point for calling this method is inside of the push method after buffering the data. But for this method to be called over there, the value of the needReadable must be equal to true.

if (state.needReadable)

Therefore, now we ought to find out the places and conditions that cause to make a need for emitting readable event.

By reviewing the definition again which is said “when there is data available to be read from the stream” we can realize that when the buffer was empty already and now we just pushed some new data to it, it’s the time for emitting a readable event.

Because the _emitReadable method is supposed to be called inside the push method, so before the push method to be called, we can verify if the buffer is empty, then make the value of needReadable to true.

Hence, inside the read method, exactly before the line code for calling the _read method put this code.

if (state.length === 0)
  state.needReadable = true;

Plus, change the final part of the read method and add a bunch of if statements to make the value of needReadable equal to true.

if (ret === null) {
  state.needReadable = state.length <= state.highWaterMark;
} else {
  state.length -= n;

if (state.length === 0) {
  state.needReadable = true;

if (ret !== null)
  this.emit('data', ret);

return ret;

We make the needReadable to be true at the end of the read method because it could also affect the calling of the push method after ending the read method.

The next spot is when we add a listener to the readable event, it causes the needReadable to become true.

if (eventName === 'data') {
  if (state.flowing !== false)
} else if (eventName === 'readable') {
  state.needReadable = true;

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Adding a listener to the readable event makes the stream mode be paused. Because from that on, the data are supposed to be read through the read method explicitly.

This action will change the behavior of some previous methods that are affected by the flowing mode. So we must take care of them.

Also, we are going to implement the second part to the readable event responsibility, which is “In some cases, attaching a listener for the readable event will cause some amount of data to be read into an internal buffer.”

First, let’s define another flag named readableListening to know whether there is any listener for the readable event.

this.readableListening = false;

After that, we can go to the on method to add some changes.

if (eventName === 'data') {
  state.readableListening = this.listenerCount('readable') > 0;
  if (state.flowing !== false)
} else if (eventName === 'readable') {
  if (!state.readableListening) {
    state.readableListening = state.needReadable = true;
    state.flowing = false;
    state.emittedReadable = false;
    if (state.length) {
    } else if (!state.reading) {
      process.nextTick(() => {;

It sounds like a huge change but its workflow is pretty understandable. The call of the read method with the value 0 is the starting point for achieving the second part of the readable event responsibility.

At this point, we also need to add some codes to the callback of the process.nextTick inside the _emitReadable method.

process.nextTick(() => {
  if (state.length) {
    state.emittedReadable = false;
  state.needReadable = !state.flowing && state.length <= state.highWaterMark;

We just determine the value of the needReadable flag to make it ready for calling the _flow method.

Besides, we can’t ignore the effect of it on the resume method.

resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (!state.flowing) {
    state.flowing = !state.readableListening;
    if (!state.resumeScheduled) {
      state.resumeScheduled = true;

Now because the operation of the _resume method might run in the paused mode, so we should add some changes to the _resume method either.

_resume() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (!state.reading) {;

  state.resumeScheduled = false;


  if (state.flowing && !state.reading);

In this way, we nearly have to control the flow explicitly by calling the read method with value 0 as its argument value,

Up till now, because the read method might be called from many spots, we need to manipulate the emittedReadable flag to be able to emit the readable event more than once in some circumstances by adding an if statement to the read method at this position.

if (n > state.highWaterMark)
  state.highWaterMark = this._computeNewHighWaterMark(n);

if (n !== 0)
  state.emittedReadable = false;

n = this._howMuchToRead(n);

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By this time, adding a method to the end of the push method to try more for reading, can be useful for the workflow.

Because this method intends to start its operations on the next tick, we should have another flag to avoid it been recalled.

this.readingMore = false;

After that, we can implement the method.

_maybeReadMore() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (!state.readingMore) {
    state.readingMore = true;
    process.nextTick(() => {
      while (!state.reading && state.length < state.highWaterMark) {
        const len = state.length;;
        if (len === state.length)
      state.readingMore = false;

And now let’s call it at the end of the push method before the return statement.


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The next thing that we plan to care about is the type of data that the readable stream works with them.

The supported types in the readable stream are exactly like the writable stream. It accepts three types of data include string, Buffer, and Uint8Array by default. There exists another flag named objectMode which is false by default and if you change it to true then your stream object can work with any JavaScript data type except null (the null value is defined for a special purpose).

Note: Also be mindful that when the value of objectMode is true, then the length of each chunk of data, regardless of its type, is always considered equal to one.

Here we ignore the Uint8Array type for simplicity reason too.

These are the required flags:

  objectMode = false,
  defaultEncoding = 'utf8',
}) {
  this.objectMode = objectMode;
  this.defaultEncoding = defaultEncoding;
  this.encoding = null;
  // the rest of the properties are here

Then we need to update the push method to normalize the chunks. For making this method to be cleaner and more readable, we should create some other methods to divide the tasks of this method.

Besides, it’s a proper time to implement another method named shift that acts very similar to the push method, but in the opposite way, which means it adds the chunks to the front of the buffer list.

To meet our requirement, first, let’s define a method named _addChunk which will be in charge of buffering data or send them to the data event (similar to what the push method does now).

_addChunk(chunk, addToFront) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (state.flowing && state.length === 0 && !state.sync && this.listenerCount('data') > 0) {
    this.emit('data', chunk);
  } else {
    state.length += (state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length);
    if (addToFront)

    if (state.needReadable)

As you can see, it takes another parameter - named addToFront - to know to add the chunks to the buffer from which side.

Afterward, we need another method named _readableAddChunk to get the chunks from the push or shift method and then call the _addChunk method to give the normalized chunks to it. Additionally, it takes care of the states and the returned value of the push and shift methods.

_readableAddChunk(chunk, encoding, addToFront) {
  const state = this._readableState;

  if (!state.objectMode) {
    if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
      encoding = encoding || state.defaultEncoding;
      if (state.encoding !== encoding) {
        if (addToFront && state.encoding) {
          chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding).toString(state.encoding);
        } else {
          chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding);
          encoding = '';
    } else if (chunk instanceof Buffer) {
      encoding = '';
    } else if (chunk != null) {
      throw new Error('invalid types! only string and buffer are accepted');

  if (state.objectMode || (chunk && chunk.length > 0)) {
    if (addToFront) {
      this._addChunk(chunk, true);
    } else {
      state.reading = false;
      this._addChunk(chunk, false);
  } else if (!addToFront) {
    state.reading = false;

  return state.length < state.highWaterMark;

The first if statement is similar to the writable stream and we just do the type checking and encoding stuff.

The second if statement is for adding the data to the buffer and also notice that when we add the chunks to the front of the buffer list, we don’t change the state of reading. And near the end, we are trying to read more if the value of chunk is not a truthy value.

Finally, the push and shift methods would simply look like these:

push(chunk, encoding) {
  return this._readableAddChunk(chunk, encoding, false);

unshift(chunk, encoding) {
  return this._readableAddChunk(chunk, encoding, true);

We should also add a new if statement to the _howMuchToRead method for checking the objectMode state.

_howMuchToRead(n) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (n <= 0 || state.length === 0)
    return 0;
  if (state.objectMode)
    return 1;
  if (Number.isNaN(n)) {
    if (state.flowing && state.length)
      return state.buffer.first().length;
    return state.length;
  if (n <= state.length)
    return n;
  return 0;

And the _fromList method as well.

_fromList(n) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (state.length === 0)
    return null;
  let ret;
  if (state.objectMode)
    ret = state.buffer.shift();
  else if (n >= state.length) {
    if (state.buffer.length === 1)
      ret = state.buffer.first();
      ret = state.buffer.concat(state.length);
  } else {
    ret = state.buffer.consume(n);
  return ret;

Source code

The ability to end the stream is what our readable stream needs now.

The action of ending the readable stream happens by pushing a null value to the stream which it is be assumed that the source is done with pushing data.

Afterward, some flags would be set and an end event would be emitted if the essential conditions are met to end the stream.

For implementing this feature - like the others - we would start by defining some flags.

this.ended = false;
this.endEmitted = false;

Then let’s create a method to be used for emitting the end event in the next tick.

_endReadable() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (!state.endEmitted) {
    state.ended = true;
    process.nextTick(() => {
      if (!state.endEmitted && state.length === 0) {
        state.endEmitted = true;

we should also verify if the buffer is empty and then emit the end event.

The next method we want to create is supposed to be called if the pushed check is equal to null then it would update the end flag.

_onEofChunk() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (state.ended) return;
  state.ended = true;
  if (state.sync)

Also notice that at the end we call the _emitReadable method, because in the Node.js documentation is mentioned that “The readable event will also be emitted once the end of the stream data has been reached but before the end event is emitted.”

Now update the final if statement in the _readableAddChunk method along with the conditions for the returned value.

if (chunk === null) {
  state.reading = false;
} else if (state.objectMode || (chunk && chunk.length > 0)) {
  if (addToFront) {
    if (state.endEmitted)
      throw new Error('cannot shift chunk after stream has already been ended');
    this._addChunk(chunk, true);
  } else if (state.ended) {
    throw new Error('cannot push chunk after stream has already been ended');
  } else {
    state.reading = false;
    this._addChunk(chunk, false);
} else if (!addToFront) {
  state.reading = false;

return !state.ended && state.length < state.highWaterMark;

Next, go to the read method and after calling the _howMuchToRead method for the first time, place this part of code over there to end the stream if conditions meet.

if (n === 0 && state.ended) {
  if (state.length === 0)
  return null;

Afterward, update the condition of this if statement in that method.

if (state.reading || state.ended)
  doRead = false;

And then update this if statement either.

if (state.length === 0) {
  if (!state.ended)
    state.needReadable = true;
  if (nOrig !== n && state.ended)

At this moment, go to the _howMuchToRead method to update the conditions of the first if statement.

if (n <= 0 || (state.length === 0 && state.ended))
  return 0;

Then add a condition to its return statement.

return state.ended ? state.length : 0;

We should update this part of the codes in the _emitReadable method.

process.nextTick(() => {
  if (state.length || state.ended) {
    state.emittedReadable = false;
  state.needReadable =
    !state.flowing &&
    !state.ended &&
    state.length <= state.highWaterMark;

Also, don't forget about the _maybeReadMore method. Update the conditions of the while statement.

while (!state.reading && state.length < state.highWaterMark && !state.ended)

We are done with this feature.

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The next thing that we should take care of is to update the flowing mode of the stream when the listener of the readable event is removed.

For doing that we just need to override the removeListener method – like what we did with the on method.

removeListener(eventName, callback) {
  super.removeListener(eventName, callback);

  const state = this._readableState;
  if (eventName === 'readable') {
    process.nextTick(() => {
      state.readableListening = this.listenerCount('readable') > 0;
      if (state.resumeScheduled) {
        state.flowing = true;
      } else if (this.listenerCount('data') > 0) {
      } else if (!state.readableListening) {
        state.flowing = null;

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So far so good.

Finally, it’s time to implement the most interesting method of readable stream which is named pipe method that it is the beauty of the stream module and causes the streaming data to be magical and effortless (this is what we all might have heard about it).

In fact, the pipe method is nothing more except a wrapper for all the operations that we need to use for reading from a readable stream and then write them to a writable stream.

As you might guess, this method takes a writable stream object as the parameter that we call it dest - also it could be a good convention here to use the name src instead of this to distinguish the source object and the destination object clearly.

const src = this;

The first thing that we need to do inside of the pipe method is adding a listener to the data event on the src object to enable us to get the chunks for writing to the dest object.

But as you might remember, if the size of buffered data in the writable stream exceeds the highWaterMark then the write method would return false. This means that we should pause the flowing mode of the readable stream until the writable stream drains.

Note: If you hardly remember the workflow of the writable stream, you should review the previous chapter again before going any further.

pipe(dest) {
  const src = this;
  const state = this._readableState;

  const ondata = chunk => {
    const ret = dest.write(chunk);
    if (ret === false) {
  src.on('data', ondata);

We only set a listener for the drain event when the pause function is called for the first time.

let ondrain;
const pause = () => {

  if (!ondrain) {
    ondrain = this._pipeOnDrain.bind(this);
    dest.on('drain', ondrain);

The listener for the drain event is defined as a private method of the class.

_pipeOnDrain() {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (this.listenerCount('data')) {
    state.flowing = true;

We should also don’t forget to emit a pipe event on the destination.

dest.emit('pipe', src);

The next listener that we should add is the end event on the src.

const onend = () => {
src.on('end', onend);

After the end method of the dest be called, then the finish and close event will be emitted on the dest stream, so we listen to them to unpipe them and do some cleaning.

The unpipe method also should be defined as a public method that can be called by the source explicitly.

Because the pipe method can be used for more than one destination simultaneously, thus for unpiping them we must be careful to only unpipe the determined destination not all of them.

We can handle this situation by defining an array of piped destinations with the name of pipes to have more control over them.

this.pipes = [];

Now we use it inside of the unpipe method.

unpipe(dest) {
  const state = this._readableState;
  if (!dest) {
    state.pipes.forEach(dest => {
    state.pipes = [];
    return this;
  for (let i = 0; i < state.pipes.length; i++) {
    if (state.pipes[i] === dest) {
      state.pipes.splice(i, 1);
  if (state.pipes.length === 0)
  return this;

The workflow is simple. If the destination does not be determined, we pause the src entirely then unpipe all of them. otherwise, if the destination is determined, then we just unpipe that specific one, but if that one was the only one, then we have to pause the src stream entirely.

Besides, don’t forget to push the newly piped destination to the pipes list. So add this code to the beginning of the pipe method.


Also, add listeners to the finish and close events to unpipe the ended destination inside the pipe method.

Which event that be emitted faster would get the control of the operation of unpiping.

const onclose = () => {
  dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish);
dest.once('close', onclose);
const onfinish = () => {
  dest.removeListener('close', onclose);
dest.once('finish', onfinish);

And for completing the unpipe operation, add this code to the pipe method.

This is just a cleaning operation.

const onunpipe = () => {
dest.on('unpipe', onunpipe);

const cleanup = () => {
  dest.removeListener('close', onclose);
  dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish);
  dest.removeListener('unpipe', onunpipe);
  if (ondrain) {
    dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain);
  src.removeListener('end', onend);
  src.removeListener('data', ondata);

The last but not least, remember to return the dest object from the pipe method to make sure it is chainable.

return dest;

That’s it. As you can see the pipe method is only a wrapper, but we appreciate that it makes life easier.

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The other thing that we are going to take care of is a _construct method, that might be implemented by an extended class. If this method is implemented, we should ensure that some operations have a safe behavior until this method be executed. Usually, this method is used to do some kind of stuff like opening a connection for further reading data from a source or similar to that – so it might even have some asynchronous operations.

For handling this satiation, let’s define a flag named constructed with the default value of true that can be used to check whether the implemented _construct method is executed.

Plus, we define another property named errored that is supposed to be used similar to the writable stream, but here we don't intend to implement its functionality for handling errors. We just show you a few places in the code that we use the errored property to give the idea of how to use it.

Note: Handling errors in the stream module needs a lot of detailed investigation and description that is out of the scope of this book.

this.constructed = true;
this.errored = null;

And at the end of the constructor method of the Readable class put this part of the code.

if (typeof this._construct === 'function') {
  const state = this._readableState;
  state.constructed = false;
  process.nextTick(() => {
    this._construct(err => {
      state.constructed = true;
      if (err)
        this.errored = err;
      if (state.needReadable)

We just run it in the next tick of the event loop and pass it a callback to catch a further possible error.

After checking for the error, we need to check the needReadable state because, in the meantime, some chunks of data might have been written to the buffer.

Then we update the condition of calling the _read method inside of the read method to avoid any pushing data to the buffer that causes losing data.

if (state.reading || state.ended || state.errored || !state.constructed)
  doRead = false;

Next, we update the condition of the if statement in the _maybeReadMore method.

if (!state.readingMore && state.constructed)

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The last thing that we plan to do to make our module to be more flexible, is to enable it to get some methods i.e. _read and _construct from the options object that is given on instantiating.

Doing that is so simple and we just need to add a bunch of if statements to the constructor of the Readable class.

if (options) {
  if (typeof === 'function')
    this._read =;

  if (typeof options.construct === 'function')
    this._construct = options.construct;

Note: These methods still can be implemented through extending class. We just add another option if the user wants to only create an instance of the readable stream without creating an extended class.

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At this point, our readable stream module is complete and we can finish this chapter by implementing an example to use our module.

Here we are going to create a polyfill of the fs.createReadStream method by using our own readable module.

Now we just create a file then inside of it require our readable module along with the built-in fs module over there.

Next, create a new brand class to extend from our Readable class, and then we only need to define the required methods i.e. _construct and _read.

class CreateReadStream extends Readable {
  constructor(filePath, options) {
    this._filePath = filePath;
  _construct(callback) {, 'r+', (err, fd) => {
      if (err) {
      } else {
        this._fd = fd;
  _read(n) {
    const buf = Buffer.alloc(n);, buf, 0, n, null, (err, bytesRead) => {
      this.push(bytesRead > 0 ? buf.slice(0, bytesRead) : null);

const createReadStream = (filePath, options) => new CreateReadStream(filePath, options);

In the end, we create a function that returns a new instance of the CreateReadStream every time.

Note: Don’t forget to export the created function.

Now you can use the createReadStream as an alternative to the fs.createReadStream method.

You can also use this function along with the createWriteStream from the previous example together to benefit from the pipe method like this:


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