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Graph Representation

There are different ways of representing a graph, each of them with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the main two:

Adjacency Matrix:

Data are stored in a two-dimensional matrix, in which the rows represent source vertices and columns represent destination vertices. Adjacency matrix is a V x V matrix in which entry A[i][j] = 1 if there exists a path from vertex i to vertex j—else it is 0. If the graph is Undirected then A[i][j] = A[j][i], while the same is not necessary in the case of a directed graph. In a Directed Graph, if A[i][j] = 1, then A[j][i] may or may not be 1. Adjacency matrix can be easily modified to store cost of path A[i][j] = C(i,j) in case of weighted graph.

Adjacency Matrix Representation

In the above image, former is showing an Undirecte graph representation and the later is showing a Directed graph representation.

Adjacency List:

The adjacency list is another way to represent a graph. It is a collection of lists (A) where A[i] contains vertices which are neighbors of vertex i. For a weighted graph, we can store weight or the cost of the edge along with the vertex in the list using pairs.

Adjacency List Representation

The space complexity of adjacency list is O(V + E) because in an adjacency list information is stored only for those edges that actually exist in the graph. In a lot of cases, where a matrix is sparse using an adjacency matrix may not be very useful. This is because using an adjacency matrix will take up a lot of space where most of the elements will be 0, anyway. In such cases, using an adjacency list is better.

  • Sparse Matrix: A sparse matrix is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero.
  • Dense Matrix: A dense matrix is a matrix in which most of the elements are non-zero.

Performance of the two representations:

Adjacency List Adjacency Matrix
Storage O(|V| + |E|) O(|V|2)
Add vertex O(1) O(|V|2)
Add edge O(1) O(1)
Remove vertex O(|E|) O(|V|2)
Remove edge O(|E|) O(1)
(u,v) adjacent? O(|V|) O(1)

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