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Android Development Instructions

This document describes how to develop and debug for Android.

The main entrypoint to Android's Java code is cordova-plugin-outline/android/java/org/outline/

Building the Android app

💡 NOTE: To easiest way to get set up for Android on a new environment is to use tools/build/ or tools/build/

Additional requirements for Android:

Android Studio 2020.3.1+ is not required, but it's helpful if you are developing Android code.

To build for android, run:

  npm run action cordova/build android

We also support passing a --verbose option on cordova android:

  npm run action cordova/build android -- --verbose

Make sure to rebuild after modifying platform dependent files!

💡 NOTE: If this command ever gives you unexpected Cordova errors, try runnning npm run reset first.

Cordova will generate a new Android project in the platforms/android directory. Install the built apk by platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/<processor>/debug/app-<processor>-debug.apk (You will need to find the corresponding <processor> architecture if you choose to install the apk on a device).

Building for Android with Docker

A Docker image with all pre-requisites for Android builds is included. To build:

  • Install dependencies with ./tools/build/ npm ci
  • Then build with ./tools/build/ npm run action gulp -- build android

To install the APK

  • Connect an Android device and enable USB debugging.
  • Build the app, with npm run action cordova/build android
  • From the project root, run: adb install -r -d platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/<processor>/debug/app-<processor>-debug.apk

To debug the web app on Android

Run Outline on your phone with USB debugging enabled, then on Chrome:

  • Go to chrome://inspect
  • Find Outline
  • Click inspect
  • Open the Console
  • Note that all TypeScript code is browserified in a single cordova_main.js

To debug Java code

Using Android Studio

  • Open existing project → <root_project_dir>/platforms/android
  • Click on "Android Monitor" at the bottom
  • Make sure is selected from the middle menu (it should not say "no debuggable processes")

Recommended development flow

Most Android-specific Outline code is in the src/cordova/android/OutlineAndroidLib directory, which is a valid Android Studio project. You can modify this code by opening this directory in Android Studio, which offers code completion, automated refactoring, version control integration, etc.

This project represents a library that implements most of the Outline native functionality and does not depend on Cordova. That library is imported by the "app" module that is generated by Cordova. The only native Android code outside of this library is, which integrates with CordovaLib.