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CS2104 Programming Languages


  • Strongly-typed with polymorphism and generic types
  • Higher-order functions
  • Pure functions (output depends solely on the input; no side effects; no updates to global variables)
  • Lazy (only evaluates what is needed)
  • Expressive Type classes (Monads, Arrows, etc.)

Hello world

putStrLn "Hello World!"
putStrLn :: String -> IO()

A pure function which takes as input a String, and returns an IO monad.


-- named function
let inc1 x = x + 1

-- lambda function
let inc2 = \ x -> x + 1

let inc3 = (+ 1)

All 3 lines above are different ways of writing a pure function which takes an integer argument x, and returns a new integer.


Every expression has a type; use ascription (e :: t) to force an expression e to have a given type t

let tuple = ("hello", 2, 3.5)
-- `:t tuple` will be inferred as ([Char], Num, Fractional)
  • Type of tuple will be inferred without ascriptions (with the most general type)
let tuple = ("hello", 2, 3.5) :: (String, Int, Double)
  • Type can be forced to a more specific type by using ascriptions

The void type is just the empty tuple ().

:t ()
-- returns () :: ()

Primitive types

Primitive types in Haskell are boxed types. Unboxed types are built-in but seldom used (except when implementing the compiler).

Boxed/unboxed types are identical to object/primitive types in Java

Advantages of boxed types:

  • Supports polymorphism
  • Supports lazy evaluation

Algebraic types

A more systematic way to capture union types:

let data Data = I Int | F Float | S String deriving Show

-- then, we can build objects of different values:
let v1 = I 3;
let v2 = F 4.5;
let v3 = S "CS2104";
  • The deriving keyword can be thought of like the extends keyword in Java, where the type Data will also inherit the methods in the type Show (which is used for printing to stdout)

Type conversion

fact :: Int -> Integer
fact 0 = 1
fact n = (fromIntegral n) * fact(n - 1)
  • The fromIntegral is necessary to convert n of type Int to Integer

Finite and infinite lists

The following will all return an infinite list of 1s:

xs :: [Int]
-- using recursive binding:
xs = 1:xs
-- using list range notation:
xs = [1,1..]
-- using list comprehension:
xs = [ys | ys <- [1,1..]]

Local binder

foo =
  let greeting = "hello" in
    print (greeting ++ " world")
-- prints "hello world"
  • let is similar to javascript's let, and binds the variable to the current local block scope foo
  • in goes along with let to name one or more local expressions in a pure function, and is what is returned to the caller
let quad x =
  let add x y = x + y
    double x = add x x
  in (double x) + (double x)
  • add and double are local functions
  • quad is a global declaration

What are "binders" in programming language?

  • A way to attach identifiers to entities
    • Identifiers: the name we give the entity
    • Entity: data, objects, operations, functions, etc.

Why do you need binders?

  • Organise identifiers/entities into scopes and to group computations
  • Basically to give structure to code

How are binders normally implemented?

  • In the lexing phase, lexemes are identified based on patterns

Layout rule

  • Indentations matter (like Python/Ruby)
  • <space> is an infix operator that is left associative (with high precedence)
    • Use brackets, or the $ symbol to override to prefix behaviour
a b c
-- means ((a b) c)
foo n + 1
-- actually means (foo n) + 1
foo $ n + 1
-- now means foo (n + 1)
foo(n + 1)
-- also means foo (n + 1)

What is the "layout rule" syntactic mechanism in programming language?

  • The use of indentation/whitespaces to construct a language into logical blocks

Why is this called a two-dimentional syntax mechanism?

  • Both rows and columns are taken into consideration

Why would you want to design layout rule mechamism for a new PL?

  • Do away with the need for {} and ;
  • Reduce verbosity and cleaner syntax

How are layout rules normally implemented?

  • Lexers: classify symbols (lexemes) into meaningful tokens
  • Parsers: classify tokens into an AST

What other PL uses layout rule mechanism? Can you compare and contrast their features?


  • Same indentation: starts a new clause in the same block
  • Greater indentation: continues a current clause
  • Less indentation: start of a new block

List comprehension

Similar to set comprehension in Mathematics.

For a set that contains the first ten even natural numbers:

$$ S = { 2\cdot x | x\in \N, x \leq 10} $$

[x * 2 | x <- [1..10]]
>> [2, 4, 6, ..., 18, 20]

-- similar to map
map (\ x -> x * 2) [1..10]
>> [2, 4, 6, ..., 18, 20]

Using filters:

usingFilter xs = [ if x < 10 then x else x * 10 | x <- xs, odd x]
usingFilter [1..20]
>> [1,3,5,7,9,110,130,150,170,190]
  • x <- xs is the list generator
  • odd x is the filter
  • if x < 10 then x else x * 10 is then mapped to each element in the list

Translations to HOF

[f x | x <- xs]
map (\ x -> f x) xs
[f x | x <- xs, x > 5]
map (\ x -> f x) (filter (\ x -> x > 5) xs)
-- concatMap is similar to JS flatmap
[(x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]
concatMap (\ x -> map (\ y -> (x, y)) ys) xs


:t array
>> array :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(i, e)] -> Array i e
  • (i, i): the bounds of the array give in (low, high) inclusive
  • (i, e): where i is the index, and e the element at that index
-- generate an array of 2s of length 5:
array (1,5) [(i,2) | i <- [1..5]]
>> array (1,5) [(1,2),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2),(5,2)]

-- access at index (follows value of `i` above):
arr ! 5
>> 2


A functor is a container of any generic type A that, when subjected to a function that maps from A to any generic type B, yields the same container of type B.

In haskell, a Functor is a typeclass, and any Functor type needs to have a concrete implementation of fmap. In JavaScript, a Functor is any object that has a concrete implementation of the map function. For example, a JavaScript array is a Functor because the Array class has a well defined map function.

-- when executing `:i Functor`
class Functor (f :: * -> *) where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Some types of common functors in Haskell include:

  • Maybe
  • []
  • IO
  • Any function

Maybe as a functor

-- in the source code for the Maybe type:
instance  Functor Maybe  where
  fmap _ Nothing       = Nothing
  fmap f (Just a)      = Just (f a)

fmap (+1) (Just 3)  -- Maybe is a functor
>> Just 4

[] as a functor

instance Functor [] where
  fmap = map

map (+1) [1, 2, 3]
>> [2, 3, 4]

fmap (+1) [1, 2, 3] -- [] is a functor
>> [2, 3, 4]

map (+1) (Just 3)   -- Maybe is not a list
>> Error!

Essentially, map is just a specialised version of fmap which only works on lists.

IO as a functor

-- in the source code for the IO type:
instance  Functor IO where
  fmap f x = x >>= (pure . f)

Function as a functor

-- in the source code for the ((->) r) type:
instance Functor ((->) r) where
  fmap = (.)

plusFive = fmap (+3) (+2) -- similar to `(.) (+3) (+2)`
plusFive 1
>> 6

fmap of 2 functions is a composition of those 2 functions

Applicatives <*>

The sequential application <*> takes a wrapped function and a wrapped value. The output is the result of unwrapping the function and value, applying the function to the value, and then wrapping the result.

(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

fmap (Just (+2)) (Just 5)
>> Error!
(Just (+2)) <*> (Just 5)
>> Just 7


Monads apply a function which returns a wrapped value to a wrapped value. It is essentially the functional way of achieving polymorphism, because the wrapped type of the function can be different from the wrapped type of the input value.

In JavaScript, a Monad is a Functor which also implements flatMap (in addition to implementing map).


class Monad m where
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  return :: a -> m a

-- laws of Monad class
(return a) >>= k = k a
m >>= return = m
-- associativity (order of application does not matter for monads)
-- k and h are monads
(m >>= (\a -> (k a) >>= (\b -> h b)) = m >>= (\a -> k a) >>= (\b -> h b)

Suppose half is a function that only works on even numbers:

-- half returns a wrapped value (a Maybe type to be exact)
half x = if even x then
           Just (div x 2)

If we pass a wrapped value:

half (Just 4)
>> Error!

We can use the bind operator >>= to apply half to the wrapped value Just 4:

Just 4 >>= half
>> Just 2
Just 5 >>= half
>> Nothing

We can also chain it (like UNIX pipes):

Just 20 >>= half >>= half >>= half
>> Nothing

List as monads

Using the bind operator >>= on a list xs to a function f is equivalent to using a concatMap (or map followed by concat):

(xs >>= f) = (concatMap f xs) = (concat (map f xs))

list_of_list = [[1], [2], [3]]
return_self = \xs -> xs

concatMap return_self list_of_list
>> [1, 2, 3]
list_of_list >>= return_self
>> [1, 2, 3]

>>= vs >>

-- types: in ghci `:i >>=` and `:i >>`
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
  • m >>= k: run m, and then run function k on the result of m
  • m >> n: run m, and then run n, ignoring the result of m
  • a >> b is equivalent to a >>= \_ -> b

Return statement

In haskell, return is an example of type inference. Since Haskell is lazily evaluated, the value of an expression and hence its type isn't computed until it really needs to be. This return is totally different from the return statements in other languages like C/Java/JS.

return: function which takes an argument and returns a Monad with that type in it.

-- in this inc function, it takes a number `a` and returns a Monad `m a`
inc :: (Monad m, Num a) => a -> m a
inc num = return (num + 1)

-- since the list `[1,2,3]` is a Monad, and `inc` is a function which returns a Monad:
[1,2,3] >>= inc
>> [2,3,4]

-- since `Just 5` is a Monad, and `inc` is a function which returns a Monad:
Just 5 >>= inc
>> Just 6


Translation between >>= and do

-- `getChar` and `putChar` are both I/O operations in Haskell
echo :: IO ()
echo = do c <- getChar
          putChar c

-- similar to using `<<=`:
echo :: IO ()
echo = getChar >>= (\c -> putChar c)
  1. User character input will be stored in c
  2. Then variable c is printed to I/O

For a list (using previous example):

-- this bind operation:
[[1], [2], [3]] >>= \xs -> xs

-- can be translated to:
flattened_list = do
  xs <- [[1], [2], [3]]

-- both results in:
[1, 2, 3]

Translation between >> and do

printHello :: IO ()
printHello = do putStr "Hello, "
                putStrLn "world!"

-- is similar to using `>>`:
printHello = putStr "Hello, " >> putStrLn "world!"

-- is also similar to using `>>=`:
printHello = putStr "Hello, " >>= (\_ -> putStrLn "world!")

List comprehension and do comprehension

  • List is an instance of monad
  • List comprehension is an instance of do-comprehension

This list comprehension:

[(x,y) | x <- xs, test x, y <- ys]

is similar to this do-comprehension:

filter test = \ x -> if test x then return a else empty

  x <- xs
  filter test
  y <- ys
  return (a, b)

Monadic IO

getLine :: IO String
getLine = do c <- getChar
             if c == '\n' then
               return ""
               do l <- getLine
                  return (c:l)


  • Untyped
  • Atoms: start with lower-case letters are constants
    • eg. cat, john , 5, -1
  • Variables: start with upper-case letter or underscore
    • eg. X, Y2, _var, _1
  • Compound term: composed of an atom called a "functor" and a number of "arguments", which are again terms



  • atom(X): succeed if X is an atom (or an empty list)
  • atomic(X): succeed if X is an atom or number
  • number(X): succeed if X is a number
  • integer(X): succeed if X is an integer
  • float(X): succeed if X is a real number
  • var(X): succeed if X is unbound (a non-instantiated variable)
  • nonvar(X): succeed if X is bound
  • X == Y: succeed if X and Y are identical (but do not unify them)
  • X \== Y: succeed if X and Y are not identical


  • X is E: evaluate E and unify the result with X
  • X + Y: when evaluated, yields the sum of X and Y
  • X - Y: when evaluated, yields the difference of X and Y
  • X * Y: when evaluated, yields the product of X and Y
  • X / Y: when evaluated, yields the quotient of X and Y
  • X mod Y: when evaluated, yields the remainder of X divided by Y
  • X =:= Y: evaluate X and Y and compare them for equality
  • X =\= Y: evaluate X and Y and succeed if they are not equal


We can provide facts as relations. Ends with a period . like so:

  • male(john).: a fact which says that John is male
  • father(john, mark).: a fact which says that Mark's father is John

Query on facts

  • ?- father(X, mark).: who is the father of Mark?

Horn clauses

pred(...) :- pred1(), pred2(), ... predn(). has the logical meaning of pred1() AND pred2() AND ... AND predn() implies pred(...).

  • sibling(X,Y) :- parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y), X\==Y.: X and Y are siblings (where they are not the same person)

Also supports recursive clauses:

  • ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z), ancestor(Z,Y).


Computing a substitution for the variables so that two terms can be made equal:

  • a = X: success, X = a
  • n(a, Y) = n(X, p(a)): success, X = a and Y = p(a)
  • a = b: fail, both a and b are atoms, not variables
  • n(a, X) = n(X, p(a)): fail, X cannot be two different things simultaneously

List manipulation

Lists are denoted by square bracket [] with its elements separated by comma ,: [mary, [], n(A), [1,2,3], X].

The append relation can be executed in different ways:

  • Appending lists: ?- append([1,2,3], [4,5], Z). returns Z = [1,2,3,4,5]
  • Computing the difference: ?- append([1,2,3], Y, [1,2,3,4,5]). returns Y = [4,5]
  • Splitting a list: ?- append(X,Y,[1,2]). returns X=[], Y=[1,2]; X=[1], Y=[2]; X=[1,2], Y=[].

Negation as failure

  • Only something which can be proven is true
  • Anything which cannot be proven is assumed to be false

Thus, we can use this clause: female(X) :- not(male(X))., which says if a person cannot be proven to be male, we shall assume the person is female.

Warning: negation as failure is sound only if the given clauses are complete.

# Assume we have the following rules:
female(X) :- not(male(X)).

# query for all males:
?- male(X).
X = kevin ;
X = tom.

# query for all females:
?- female(X).

# query if mary females:
?- female(mary).
  • When querying if mary is female, we cannot prove that mary is a male, and as such male(mary) is assumed to be false.
  • However querying for female(X) will not work because X must be known

Cut operator

Similar to an if-then-else statement.

pred :- X1, !, X2, X3, X4.
pred :- Y1, Y2.
  • If X1 is true, then proceed with checking X2, X3, X4 only
  • If X1 is false, backtrack to next statement Y1, Y2

Finite constraint solver

Via the clpfd library, imported using :- use_module(library(clpfd)). at the top of a prolog file.

Arithmetic constraints

  • Expr1 #+ Expr2: Expr1 equals Expr2
  • Expr1 #\= Expr2: Expr1 is not equal to Expr2
  • Expr1 #>= Expr2: Expr1 is greater than or equal to Expr2
  • Expr1 #=< Expr2: Expr1 is less than or equal to Expr2
  • Expr1 #> Expr2: Expr1 is greater than Expr2
  • Expr1 #< Expr2: Expr1 is less than Expr2

In contrast to the primitive operators like in and =:=, the constraints can be used in any direction, and do not require the Expr expressions to be instantiated.


  • Purpose is to enumerate and try all possible values (instead of just giving range)
range(X) :-

?- range(X). -- gives the constraint only:
X in 1..99.

?- range(X), label([X]). -- enumerate all possible values of X:
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 98 ;
X = 99 ;



  • unit: consists of exactly one value, written as (); used to represent type of expressions that return no value (ie. are evaluated for side-effects only)
  • ref: akin to memory location (C-style pointer); dereference the ref using the prefix ! operator


User defined type, similar to struct in C.

(* record type must first be declared: *)
type account = {
  first_name: string;
  last_name: string;
  mutable balance: int;
} ;;

(* then initialise a variable with the record type: *)
let acc = {
  first_name = "John";
  last_name = "Doe";
  balance = 5
} ;;

(* access the variables using dot notation: *)
Printf.printf "Name: %s %s\n" acc.first_name acc.last_name ;; (* Name: John Doe *)
Printf.printf "Balance: %d\n" acc.balance ;; (* Balance: 5 *)

(* mutate a mutable variable: *)
acc.balance <- acc.balance * 2 ;;
Printf.printf "Balance: %d\n" acc.balance ;; (* Balance: 10 *)


class counter init =
  object (name)
    val mutable x = init
    method inc = x <- x + 1
    method get = x
    method set y = x <- y
    method print = () = Printf.printf "Count: %d" (name # get)
  • counter is a factory of the object
  • init is the constructor parameter
  • name is the explicit name of the current object; analogous to this in Java
  • All fields are immutable by default (use mutable to make them mutable)
  • All fields (like x) are private and not accessible, and must be called through the get/set methods
  • Setting an object variable is similar to setting a record variable
let p = new counter 0 ;;
let q = new counter 5 ;;

p # print ;; (* Count: 0 *)
p # inc ;;
p # inc ;;
p # print ;; (* Count: 2 *)

q # print ;; (* Count: 5 *)
q # set 10 ;;
q # print ;; (* Count: 10 *)

Class inheritance

Inherit fields and methods of superclass, and support method overriding.

class counter_step init step =
  object (s)
    inherit counter init
    method inc = x <- x + step (* override counter's inc method *)

let r = new counter_step 0 4 ;;

r # print ;; (* Count: 0 *)
r # inc ;;
r # inc ;;
r # print ;; (* Count: 8 *)

Class signature and type

Based on structure of the set of visible methods (since fields are always private). Thus, using counter example above:

counter : <get : 'a; inc : unit; set : 'a -> unit; print : unit>
  • 'a refers to a generic type
  • Two classes are of the same type if they are structurally equivalent to each other based on their visible methods

Subtyping via row polymorphism

foo : < get : 'b; .. > -> 'b
  • foo will unify with any type with a get method in its class type
  • The matched type need not be structurally equivalent

Virtual class and method

Similar to an abstract class, a class can be defined with some undefined/virtual methods:

class virtual ['a] buffer_eq init =
  object (this)
    val mutable value :'a = init
    method get = value
    method virtual eq : 'a buffer_eq -> bool
    method neq b = not(this # eq b)

class ['a] buffer init =
  object (this)
    inherit ['a] buffer_eq init
    (* concrete classes must give concrete implementation of eq: *)
    method eq that = this # get = that # get
    method set n = value <- n

let b = new buffer 5    (* ok *)
let c = new buffer_eq 5 (* error; virtual classes cannot be instantiated *)
  • Objects of virtual classes cannot be instantiated
  • Concrete subclasses should give definitions for the virtual methods


Used to group types, values, functions, exceptions, and other modules together.

An example of a functional stack implemented using OCaml lists:

module FunctionalStack = struct
  type number = Int of int | Float of float
  let init () : number list = []
  let is_empty xs = (xs = [])
  let push xs x = x :: xs
  let peek = function
    | [] -> failwith "Empty"
    | x::_ -> x
  let pop = function
    | [] -> failwith "Empty"
    | _::xs -> xs
  let number_to_string = function
    | Int x -> string_of_int x
    | Float x -> Float.to_string x
  let to_string xs = String.concat ", " ( number_to_string xs)
  let print xs = Printf.printf "[%s]" (to_string xs)
end ;;

Use dot notation to access the definitions within the module:

let stack = FunctionalStack.init () ;;
let stack = FunctionalStack.push stack (Int 1) ;;
let stack = FunctionalStack.push stack (Float 4.5) ;;
let stack = FunctionalStack.push stack (Int 9) ;;
FunctionalStack.print stack ;; (* [9, 4.5, 1] *)

Use open to expose the definitions within the module (ie. no need to use dot notation):

open FunctionalStack ;;
let stack = init () ;;
let stack = push stack (Int 1) ;;
let stack = push stack (Float 4.5) ;;
let stack = push stack (Int 9) ;;
print stack ;; (* [9, 4.5, 1] *)

Module signature

Each module has a type signature that may be explicitly declared. For example, we can create the following type signature:

module type STACK = sig
  type number = Int of int | Float of float
  val init : unit -> number list
  val is_empty : number list -> bool
  val push : number list -> number -> number list
  val peek : number list -> number
  val pop : number list -> number list
  val print : number list -> unit

And associate the original FunctionalStack with the STACK signature like so:

module FunctionalStack : STACK = struct
  (* ... same code as above ... *)

Notice that STACK does not have definitions for number_to_string and to_string. As such, information hiding can be implemented (ie. make some fields private and not callable).

open FunctionalStack ;;
let stack = init () ;;
number_to_string (Int 5) ;; (* error: unbound value number_to_string *)
to_string stack ;;          (* error: unbound value to_string *)
print stack ;;              (* ok! STACK has definition for print *)


A function from structures to structures. It is OCaml's way of creating parametrised structures.

As an example, we first create a module type NUMBER_TYPE:

module type NUMBER_TYPE = sig
  type t
  val value : t ref
  val inc : unit -> unit
  val print : unit -> unit
end ;;

Then, we define the Number module, a functor which takes as input another structure of type NUMBER_TYPE:

module Number =
  functor (Elt: NUMBER_TYPE) ->
    type t = Elt.t
    let value : t ref = Elt.value
    let inc =
    let print = Elt.print

Then, define the Integer and Float modules:

module Integer : NUMBER_TYPE = struct
  type t = int
  let value : t ref = ref 0
  let inc () = value := !value + 1
  let print () = Printf.printf "value: %s\n" (string_of_int !value)
end ;;

module Float : NUMBER_TYPE = struct
  type t = float
  let value : t ref = ref 0.0
  let inc () = value := Float.add !value 0.1
  let print () = Printf.printf "value: %s\n" (Float.to_string !value)
end ;;

Since Number is a functor, we can create specific modules like so:

module INumber = Number(Integer) ;;
module FNumber = Number(Float) ;;

(* usage: *)
INumber.print () ;; (* value: 0 *)
FNumber.print () ;; (* value: 0. *) () ;; () ;; () ;;

INumber.print () ;; (* value: 2 *)
FNumber.print () ;; (* value: 0.1 *)